Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Hammer"

I’m not entirely sure, but I think you should configure the app so that the Swagger page will not be generated at all in a production environment.

My problem was due to the fact that no log is recorded anywhere on my computer, apparently. After checking a bit everywhere online, I found that I could still check the output directly in VS, in the output window by selecting the Web.Host output.

Obvious, but if you don't know... Problem was about a validator that was incorrectly set.

[Range(OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MaxDDDefaultDay, OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MinDDDefaultDay)]
        public int DirectDebitPreferedDay { get; set; }

Should be

[Range(OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MinDDDefaultDay, OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MaxDDDefaultDay)]
        public int DirectDebitPreferedDay { get; set; }

One thing remains to be seen: why don't I have any record of the logs in my IIS Express directory ?...

Hello devworkers,

would you agree to share the yaml you are using to build and publish the angular part of your application ? I am currently working on it and find mysylf stuck on this matter.


Is there any news for this? I would be very interested in it. I tried to setup a pipeline, managed to make the backend part work, but am currently stuck with the angular part.

Here is what I have so far in my yml:

`trigger: - release


- job: Frontend displayName: Frontend Processing continueOnError: false

pool:   vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'   steps:   - task: NodeTool@0   inputs:   versionSpec: '12.x'   displayName: 'Install Node.js 12.x'   - task: Npm@1   displayName: 'Angular CLI'   inputs:   command: custom   verbose: false   customCommand: 'install @angular/[email protected]'   - task: Npm@1   displayName: 'npm install'   inputs:   verbose: false   - task: Npm@1   displayName: Build   inputs:   command: custom   verbose: false   customCommand: 'start'   - task: CopyPublishBuildArtifacts@1   displayName: 'Copy Publish Artifact: test'   inputs:   CopyRoot: dist   Contents: '**'   ArtifactName: test   ArtifactType: Container   - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2   displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact'   inputs:   targetPath: ' $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/dist/AngularTest'

- job: Backend displayName: Backend Processing dependsOn: Frontend continueOnError: false`

In the end, I opted for an Azure CDN hosted angular app with a custom domain, and it works like a charm.

Hi there, did you find a solution to your problem? I think I have the same.

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