Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Hasan"


Where to change the Size for all the modals ?


There is a confusion here

What version of .net currently supported by ASP.NET Zero ?

Last week you have released with 4.6 and have downgraded ?

Could one of you please clarify ?

Why there is keep changing it ?


Dear Sir

How to set the Modal Width for all the Modal in the application in SPA ?

Thanks again.


Hello Sir,

I have installed .net Version 4.6.1 as required (installed.png is proof of that)

but when i open the solution, it keeps asking to download the .net version

Could you please let me know where is the problem ?

I have read about Domain Services

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... n-Services</a>

I guess we should have business validation at this place.

Could you please tell me where to keep the file (Which Project) ?



How to achieve the same thing in SPA Application ?

Hello Sir

This could be the simplest question but would like to ask you how to do that

I have a object called Brand

    public class Brand : FullAuditedEntity,IMustHaveTenant
        public virtual string Name { get; set; }

        public virtual bool IsActive { get; set; }
        public virtual int TenantId { get; set; }

I want to set the Name as Unique. How to achieve that in ABP ZERO

I am able to see that in RoleService that it throws the error at the place in Method CreateRoleAsync CheckErrors(await _roleManager.CreateAsync(role));

Can you please let me know how to achieve that ?

Whenever i load any page, here are the errors i am getting

Error: Invalid state ref '' B@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular-ui-router.min.js:7:23780 D/<.link@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular-ui-router.min.js:7:24122 ea@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:73:293 D@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:62:190 g@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:55:105 K/<@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:54:249 R/<@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:56:79 k@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:60:377 xe</<.link/<@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:254:335 lf/this.$get</r.prototype.$digest@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:131:147 lf/this.$get</r.prototype.$apply@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:134:76 g@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:87:442 T@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:92:50 Uf/</w.onload@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:93:78 <a class="ng-scope" ui-sref="{{childOfChildMenuItem.url}}" ng-if="!childOfChildMenuItem.items.length">

Error: $(...).attr(...) is undefined Layout</handleSidebarMenuActiveLink/<@http://localhost:6240/metronic/assets/admin/layout4/scripts/layout.js:61:28 .each@http://localhost:6240/libs/jquery/jquery.min.js:2:2973 m.prototype.each@http://localhost:6240/libs/jquery/jquery.min.js:2:833 Layout</handleSidebarMenuActiveLink@http://localhost:6240/metronic/assets/admin/layout4/scripts/layout.js:60:13 Layout</<.setSidebarMenuActiveLink@http://localhost:6240/metronic/assets/admin/layout4/scripts/layout.js:482:13 .link/<@http://localhost:6240/App/common/directives/metronic/directives.js:23:21 lf/this.$get</r.prototype.$broadcast@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:136:157 v/y.transitionTo/y.transition<@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular-ui-router.min.js:7:18553 f/<@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:119:129 lf/this.$get</r.prototype.$eval@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:133:309 lf/this.$get</r.prototype.$digest@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:130:404 lf/this.$get</r.prototype.$apply@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:134:76 g@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:87:442 T@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:92:50 Uf/</w.onload@http://localhost:6240/Scripts/angular.min.js:93:78

Your answer for this question will help me as well

Looking for your answer

Hello Sir

I would like to ask whether this is possible using Identity

In my multi tenant application ( Building Application for Syncing Sales of all Restaurants), each tenant can have many restaurants, each restaurant will have specific user in charge.

Whenever the user logs in, only the specific restaurant details should be edited or accessible based on Permissions . If the user has all the restaurant enable and its permissions , he will be able to do the operations.

Is it possible to solved in Zero ?

Thanks again

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