Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Homam"

I am using Notificaiton now and noticed, I am cannot see anything in the notification list if it's been raised while the user was offline!

Is this a the default behaviour or am I missing anything?

I was using enc_auth_token to download a file without passing the token in the header. Now, after upgrading I am getting 302 error.

Did you stop supporting this kind of tokens?


We were using the version 5.3 and everything was working perfectly with subdomain tenancy resolving. Now, after upgrading to the version 7.0, it stopped working online and it works only with cookie-based tenant Id on localhost.

Currently, if I have a tenant name .. in the Abp library tenant name is returned null!

Any idea?


We are now having a performance issue, the request is taking up to 17 seconds. I am troubleshooting the issue and seems the table AbpAuditLogs is the issue.

This us the Azure Insight log.

The table size is 888K Records.

Any idea please?

In Stripe integration, when I add a new user, the system is not asking for more money. Is there anything I am missing?

I wonder why aren't you using the Subscription feature in Stripe and creating a customer and assign it to it?

Stripe supports Customers, Editions, Subscriptions, invoices and other features. But seems you've built them all from scratch and not integrating with those features.

Is there any technical reason? or just to keep the compatibility with PayPal payment, which you had before?

I have a problem with sub domain configuration for multi-tenancy.

Everything seems working except that when I use the tenant name, it always goes to the admin tenant regardless of the tenant name mentioned inthe sub domain.

I used the configuration exactly in the angular app & the apis app.

What can I be missed?


I am trying to save two records together (parent / child) in one transaction. However, the second record foreign key value is not getting the generated Id of parent and has a negative value.

My code:

public async Task<FieldDto> Create(Guid listId, CreateFieldInput input)
            await CheckParentIfExists(listId);
            await CheckIfAlreadyExists(listId, input.Name);

            using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
                var list = _listRepository.Get(listId);
                var record = ObjectMapper.Map<Field>(input);
                record.ListId = listId;

                var insertedRecord = await _repository.InsertAsync(record);

                if (input.LinkedListId.HasValue)
                    // If a link is created between two entities,
                    // a new field is automatically added to the other entity
                    Field slaveField = new Field
                        ListId = input.LinkedListId.Value,
                        MasterFieldId = insertedRecord.Id,
                        DataType = (int)FieldDataType.LinkList,
                        IsPrimary = false,
                        IsVisible = true,
                        IsRequired = false,
                        Name = list.Name,
                        Description = list.Name,

                   // HERE THE insertedRecord.Id, IS A WRONG NEGATIVE VALUE IN THE DATABASE  :roll: 
                    await _repository.InsertAsync(slaveField);

                await uow.CompleteAsync();

                return ObjectMapper.Map<FieldDto>(insertedRecord);

How can I fix it?

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries