Hello Support Team, I am currently working on setting up a public-facing website using the Angular and ASP.NET Core solution provided by ASP.NET Zero. According to the documentation, I expected a separate *.web.public project within my solution to handle the front-end (Angular) code. However, I was unable to locate this *.web.public fileproject in my downloaded source code.
Could you confirm if my ASP.NET Zero version includes a separate *.web.public project or an equivalent front-end directory?
Dear Team,
We are in the process of migrating our solution from ASP.NET Zero version 9.2.0 to 13.2.0. As part of this migration, we are incorporating our code changes into the 13.2.0 base solution. However, we have encountered an issue with the Entity Framework code in our existing project, which includes the Identity Server code from version 9.2.0.
We would like to inquire if it is possible to continue using Identity Server in the latest 13.2.0 version. If so, could you please advise which version of Identity Server is compatible? Additionally, if there is any documentation available regarding this, we would appreciate if you could point us to it.
In the event that Identity Server is no longer supported or compatible with version 13.2.0, could you please provide guidance on what code changes would be required to ensure our solution works smoothly with the new version?
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards, Liyo
Product Version: V13.20 Product Type: Angular Product Framework: .Net Core6
Hi Support Team, On my way to upgrading the project I had problem with primeng(p-table, p-paginator, and sub-header).
I followed aspnetzero version upgrade for existing projects procedure and end up with many conflicts.
Again, I tried upgrading my angular code from 10 to 17 step by step. I could able to upgrade successfully till angular 15 and got stuck at Angular 16 version.
I am getting same conflicts when I followed version upgrade steps while trying to upgrade my existing project. I tried many suggestions from google, nothing seems to work out. Please suggest me the best way to upgrade project from 9.2.0 to 13.2.0 and any suggestions to fix the above mentioned errors?
Thanks in Advance.
What is your product version? 9.2.0 What is your product type (Angular or MVC)?** Angular** What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .NET CORE
We are trying to get Stripe integration working, The test webhook from Stripe portal shows it was sent sucessfully to webhook we created, but on published site we are not able to retive payment results...
There are no webhook subscriptions visible in the subscriptions table, do we need to add one, if we do how do we add, I have tried adding the created webhook from the UI but unsucessfull?
Could you help identify the issue.
Many Thanks
What is your product version? 9.2.0 What is your product type (Angular or MVC)?** Angular** What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .NET CORE
We are trying to get Stripe integration working, When sending a Test webhook...I am getting
Test webhook error: 302 on the Stripe portal
The Error Log shows: ERROR 2021-07-05 10:20:11,094 [54 ] isively.Web.Controllers.StripeController - The webhook cannot be processed because the current timestamp is outside of the allowed tolerance. Stripe.StripeException: The webhook cannot be processed because the current timestamp is outside of the allowed tolerance.
Both Stripe and Azure where the solution is hosted are set to the same time zones...
Could you kindly advise a resolution....
Many Thanks
We just want to upload pdf and images to azure db from our Xamarin forms mobile application. In azure db we are saving this as byte array. While uploading documents from angular web, we are converting these documents to encoded string format with the help of "readAsBinaryString" option from js file reader. Could you please suggest a way to convert these documents to corresponding string format from mobile?
Many Thanks S Chacko
Could we please get help with the following:
We are trying to integrate FCM pushnotification in Xamarin.forms app. It's works sucessfully in our ASP.NET ZERO Android project and sample iOS project but ** not with our ASP.NET ZERO iOS project. In the case of iOS, we are getting an exception, and not able to send notification. Could you please help us resolve this?
In the process we are able to generate the FCM token, but app is crashing when 'Allow pushnotification request permission' popup appears on device.
In "WebRequestExecuter.cs" class it handle the exception in "HandleDefaultException" method.
The Exception is =>" An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.exception'."
And Exception throws from Main.cs class file
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread.Abort_internal(System.Threading.InternalThread,object)
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort () [0x00000] in /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/Current/src/Xamarin.iOS/mcs/class/corlib/System.Threading/Thread.cs:448
at Decisively.AppDelegate+<>c.<SetExitAction>b__3_0 () [0x00001] in /Users/aswanipu/Jora/aspnet-core/src/Decisively.Mobile.iOS/AppDelegate.cs:89
at Decisively.ViewModels.Base.UserConfigurationManager+<>c.<GetAsync>b__4_2 (System.Exception _) [0x00001] in /Users/aswanipu/Jora/aspnet-core/src/Decisively.Mobile.Shared/ViewModels/Base/UserConfigurationManager.cs:60
at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleDefaultException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func1[TResult] func, System.Func
2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00140] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0 at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func
1[TResult] func, System.Func2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func
2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00300] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0
at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.Execute[TResult] (System.Func1[TResult] func, System.Func
2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func2[T,TResult] failCallback, System.Action finallyCallback) [0x00410] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0 at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleDefaultException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func
1[TResult] func, System.Func2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func
2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00117] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0
at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func1[TResult] func, System.Func
2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00300] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0 at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.Execute[TResult] (System.Func
1[TResult] func, System.Func2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func
2[T,TResult] failCallback, System.Action finallyCallback) [0x00410] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0
at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleDefaultException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func1[TResult] func, System.Func
2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00117] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0 at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func
1[TResult] func, System.Func2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func
2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00300] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0
at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.Execute[TResult] (System.Func1[TResult] func, System.Func
2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func2[T,TResult] failCallback, System.Action finallyCallback) [0x00410] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0 at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleDefaultException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func
1[TResult] func, System.Func2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func
2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00117] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0
at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func1[TResult] func, System.Func
2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00300] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0 at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.Execute[TResult] (System.Func
1[TResult] func, System.Func2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func
2[T,TResult] failCallback, System.Action finallyCallback) [0x00410] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0
at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleDefaultException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func1[TResult] func, System.Func
2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00117] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0 at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.HandleException[TResult] (System.Exception exception, System.Func
1[TResult] func, System.Func2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func
2[T,TResult] failCallback) [0x00300] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0
at Decisively.Core.Threading.WebRequestExecuter.Execute[TResult] (System.Func1[TResult] func, System.Func
2[T,TResult] successCallback, System.Func2[T,TResult] failCallback, System.Action finallyCallback) [0x00410] in <5fd16953003141bbb0bdead1209c5472>:0 at Decisively.ViewModels.Base.UserConfigurationManager.GetAsync (System.Func
1[TResult] successCallback) [0x000da] in /Users/aswanipu/Jora/aspnet-core/src/Decisively.Mobile.Shared/ViewModels/Base/UserConfigurationManager.cs:40
at Decisively.ViewModels.Base.UserConfigurationManager.GetIfNeedsAsync () [0x00034] in /Users/aswanipu/Jora/aspnet-core/src/Decisively.Mobile.Shared/ViewModels/Base/UserConfigurationManager.cs:31
at Decisively.App.OnStart () [0x00051] in /Users/aswanipu/Jora/aspnet-core/src/Decisively.Mobile.Shared/App.xaml.cs:53
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__7_0 (System.Object state) [0x00000] in /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/Current/src/Xamarin.iOS/mcs/class/referencesource/mscorlib/system/runtime/compilerservices/AsyncMethodBuilder.cs:1021
at Foundation.NSAsyncSynchronizationContextDispatcher.Apply () [0x00000] in /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UIKit.UIApplication.UIApplicationMain(int,string[],intptr,intptr)
at UIKit.UIApplication.Main (System.String[] args, System.IntPtr principal, System.IntPtr delegate) [0x00005] in /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/
at UIKit.UIApplication.Main (System.String[] args, System.String principalClassName, System.String delegateClassName) [0x0000e] in /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.fraframework/Versions/
at Decisively.Application.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00002] in /Users/aswanipu/Jora/aspnet-core/src/Decisively.Mobile.iOS/Main.cs:15
The process we followed to integrate the iOS app to FCM is as follows: Using Apple Developer account, we created an Id, with this iOS project bundle id we enabled pushnotification. We also created Provisional certificate and and installed in xcode. We are registerd our ASP.NET ZERO Xamarin iOS app in Firebase using bundle id and uploaded AuthKey certificate. From the app side, we enabled RemoteNotification and Background mode in info.plist file and also enabled Pushnotification in Entitlement.plist file. We added GoogleService-info.plist file to project and set the build action as BundleResource.
To check code, I have attached these to a share folderhere (please see attached AppDelegate.cs class file and UserNotificationCenterDelegate.cs file.)
Your help is much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance
We started migrating to latest version to fix a Refresh token issue, We have noticed that style, layout and structure have changed when we have migrtaed from v8.9.2 to v9.2.0
How could we bring these changes easily to already created entities as the changes dont render correctly with old codes, do we need to manually chnage each line, whats the best way to get the old templates updated?
What is the best way to migrate exisiting entities created in old version to new 9.2.0 version with new style?**
Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue.
Xamanrin App: Hi we have an issue with our Xamarin Android App, We have enabled push notification on this and the user stays logged in all the time. The App stops working after about 24-48hrs it just crashes when we click on the icon. We have to clear data in mobile and then it works, but then have to re-enter trenancy and log back in.
Could you advice how to debug this issue, is there a mobile application log? Is it due to Auth token expiring??
Hi, We have a problem with the latest update of Power tools (v 2.6.1). It does not work, we are unable to create entities with it, it closes when we click generate, I have replied to thread (Power Tool stopped working #9604) that has raised similar issues, our development has stopped because of this, could you email me please with a resolution.
My log shows shome error.... DEBUG 2020-09-16 10:33:01,407 [1 ] lVisualStudioExtension.AspNetZeroRadTool - Menu item clicked with params > loadFromJson: False, loadFromDatabase: False, showAboutForm: False ERROR 2020-09-16 10:37:04,432 [1 ] ToolVisualStudioExtension.Helpers.Logger - ForeignKeySelectionForm > cbEntitySelector_SelectedIndexChanged throws exception System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'. Parameter name: SelectedIndex at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex(Int32 value) at AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension.Dialogs.ForeignKeySelectionForm.cbEntitySelector_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\github\aspnet-zero-rad\AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension\AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension\Dialogs\ForeignKeySelectionForm.cs:line 169 ERROR 2020-09-16 10:37:32,712 [1 ] ToolVisualStudioExtension.Helpers.Logger - ForeignKeySelectionForm > cbEntitySelector_SelectedIndexChanged throws exception System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'. Parameter name: SelectedIndex at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex(Int32 value) at AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension.Dialogs.ForeignKeySelectionForm.cbEntitySelector_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\github\aspnet-zero-rad\AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension\AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension\Dialogs\ForeignKeySelectionForm.cs:line 169 ERROR 2020-09-16 10:37:39,639 [1 ] ToolVisualStudioExtension.Helpers.Logger - ForeignKeySelectionForm > cbEntitySelector_SelectedIndexChanged throws exception System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'. Parameter name: SelectedIndex at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex(Int32 value) at AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension.Dialogs.ForeignKeySelectionForm.cbEntitySelector_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\github\aspnet-zero-rad\AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension\AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension\Dialogs\ForeignKeySelectionForm.cs:line 169 ERROR 2020-09-16 10:37:45,567 [1 ] ToolVisualStudioExtension.Helpers.Logger - ForeignKeySelectionForm > cbEntitySelector_SelectedIndexChanged throws exception System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'. Parameter name: SelectedIndex at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex(Int32 value) at AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension.Dialogs.ForeignKeySelectionForm.cbEntitySelector_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\github\aspnet-zero-rad\AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension\AspNetZeroRadToolVisualStudioExtension\Dialogs\ForeignKeySelectionForm.cs:line 169 DEBUG 2020-09-16 10:38:59,038 [1 ] dioExtension.Dialogs.EntityGeneratorForm - Generate entity started. DEBUG 2020-09-16 10:38:59,558 [1 ] dioExtension.Dialogs.EntityGeneratorForm - Entity successfully generated. DEBUG 2020-09-16 10:43:31,722 [1 ] lVisualStudioExtension.AspNetZeroRadTool - Menu item clicked with params > loadFromJson: False, loadFromDatabase: False, showAboutForm: False DEBUG 2020-09-16 10:45:09,837 [1 ] dioExtension.Dialogs.EntityGeneratorForm - Generate entity started. DEBUG 2020-09-16 10:45:10,244 [1 ] dioExtension.Dialogs.EntityGeneratorForm - Entity successfully generated. DEBUG 2020-09-16 13:21:50,019 [1 ] lVisualStudioExtension.AspNetZeroRadTool - Menu item clicked with params > loadFromJson: False, loadFromDatabase: False, showAboutForm: True DEBUG 2020-09-16 13:27:06,055 [1 ] lVisualStudioExtension.AspNetZeroRadTool - Menu item clicked with params > loadFromJson: False, loadFromDatabase: False, showAboutForm: True
Many Thanks