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Activities of "KarakTheWise"


I'm running into the same issue trying to pass an ngx-datepicker date. I keep getting the "ERROR... 'is not an ISOString(). Is there a soluttion to this yet? I have read the various post above and nothing is getting me there. I can't set my value: this.guestEvent.guestCheckInTime using toISOString() because I then get:

ERROR TypeError: this.guestEvent.guestCheckInTime.toISOString is not a function

So I'm not sure how to get there from here. This is in the UI, not in the framework btw. Same as the others. I did see from the Git repository that you have switched to 'luxon' from 'moment'. I just purchase ASP.NET Zero about a monthy ago and have no clue to update to a new version at this point :) Any advice would be awesome!


Update: I found if I submit the 'pure' output from the ngx-datepicker, it will sumit fine. The issue I'm having now is trying to concatinate the ngx-timepicker result on to the date so I end up with somthing like 11/15/2020 16:00. I've been able to get the contatination completed without any problems. It's submitting the result is where I now get the 'toISOString' error once again. Any help would be most appreciated!

I was in @olmy90 situation. I have @angular-devkit/build-angular": "~0.1000.0 so I could not use the older versiona as well. Yarn woud not run as it was giving a error that package-lock.json was stopping yarn from running. I deleted BOTH package-lock.json and yarn.lock then ran yarn once again. This put gulp back in place and I was up and running. I hope this helps.

Hi @ismcagdas,

Actually, yes, the full path does: D:) > App Development > Resolution > ASPNET-Zero > then the various folders for angular, .github, aspnet-core. The hyphen in the 'aspnet-core' directory wouldn't affect that I wouln't think But mayb the hyphen in the 'ASPNET-Zero' directory would? Is that what you're thinking?

On a side note, the only time I've had odd issues like was installing the dependencies for the PrimeNG fullcaldendar from @fullcalendar.

Version 9,2 Angular ASP.NET Core Issue: general question

I've been working with some Azure engineers on how to best set my pricing tiers etc. We're coming up with three tiers: 1.) shared tier - x tanants in a larger multi-tenancy app. 2.) smaller shared tier, less tanants than T1, 3.) one tenant in their own single-tanant app. My questions: is there a best pratice to move a tenant from say T1 to T3? The Azure part of the equation is not a problem. I'm talking about the actual migration of the tenent's records from one database to another. Any advice or suggestions would be great. If this is something I need to buld into my develpment process, now would be a good time for me to do that. I'm buidling the app for multi-tenancy so each record will of course have a TenantId. Thanks!


V. 9.3 Angular ASP.NET Core Framwork Related

Is it possible to allow the Tenant admin to restore soft deletes?


Excellent. Thank you. That's what I thought but I wanted to be sure I understood what I was reading with soft delete documentation.

Thakn you, I'll research data migration tools. I wasnt' sure where to start for that type of thing.


Just wanted to say I used @martin solution and it works very well for poplating simple lookup tables. Thanks for sharing.


I'm using Verison 9.2 .NET Core with Angular UI. Before the end of the year I had been working via email support to solve an issue trying install this component via yarn: []. The error from the yarn log was:

Arguments: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe ...\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\yarn\bin\yarn.js add @fullcalendar/resource-common Yarn version: 1.22.10

Node version: 12.18.3

Platform: win32 x64


Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'D:\App Development\Resolution\ASPNET-Zero\Resolution\angular\node_modules\ngx-perfect-scrollbar_ivy_ngcc_\fesm2015'

npm start gave me a lot of errors when I tried to compile. At this point I wasn't sure what to do so I ran 'yarn' again and it seemed to clean everything up but was unsucessful with installing the component. I'm at the point in my development where I need this component running but am afraid to try install it again. I'm not sure what to do if my Angular project blows up :). Any advice would be most welcome!

Thank you,



I have a simple (I hope) Angular question. I'm not sure how to word the question for a better search in Google so I just thought I would post an image of what I'm trying to achieve. I'm wanting to open the guest-contract component in a new tab without the rest of the application's components. E.g. no left-nav, top-nav and so on.  When I use I get the entire application in a new tab.  I wasn't having any on Stack etc. because I'm not sure what the correct wording for this problem would be :) My current method is just this.


generateContract(id: number): void {'/app/main/events/guest-contract/' + id, '_blank');}

Any suggestions would be great!

Thanks in advance!

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