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Activities of "MYBUSINESSDNA"

the latest version of power tool is not generating the AppPermissions strings

Thanks for the response will try to update it, I think in latest version of aspnet zero the apppermission is transfered to namespace.core.shared project.

Error: File not found with singular glob: D:\Work\qm\Git\RPLSuitev12.2\src\RPLSuite.Web.Mvc\wwwroot\metronic\themes\theme23\plugins\custom\tinymce\skins\ui\oxide\fonts\tinymce-mobile.woff (if this was purposeful, use allowEmpty option)

how to solve this error? I was looking for the gulpfile.js it was not there.



It's very hard to upgrade even if the version is near each other. like v12.2 to 12.3, any tips on how to upgrade properly, i followed the documents but still our custom codes is not transfered properly lots of general errors, we can fix the one we created but some of the built in are causing errors.


I upgrade our solution to a new version when we regenerate some existing tables we getting this error, how to fix this?

CoursesAppService.cs is being generated. Warning: System.Exception: Word can not be null. exiting... at AspNetZeroRadTool.FileWizards.FileGenerators.Generic.ReplacerBase.Lower(String word) at AspNetZeroRadTool.FileWizards.FileGenerators.Generic.ReplacerBase.ReplaceAlsoWithLowerCase(String template, String placeholder, String value)

Please help


powertool version: 3.5.1 App version 12.3.0 download the json file in here

powertool version: 3.5.1 App version 12.3.0 download the json file in here

I regenerate my exiting entity and added a navigatin properties, and got this error

please help or any tips how to fix this


Thanks for the reply

the version of power tools is 3.5.1

this is the json file for this entity

HI, what kind of json files you need? or you mean all of them?

Showing 1 to 10 of 17 entries