I want every tenant responsible for its job. For that purpose I implemented a HangfireConfigurer that Initializes tenant's hangfire dashboard at startup. I have done this before in my old application that will be replaced by ANZ but I got issue at Controller level, after setting JobStorage Hangfire didn't worked.
I just implemented a work around
Please check if this can be single step solution or I have to add ReverseMap() in every map in custom mapper. What about Rad Tool? It should also add ReverseMap in custom mapper.
I have tried having jobs in respective tenant database but it was not successful, have you tried this?
Can u show me example or some sample code. Thanks
How can I initialize custom repository with specific dbContext (connection string)?
Lets keep hangfire a side, how can i force repositories to use a specific DbContext? For example: By providing a specific connection string in EntityframeworkCoreModule public override void PreInitialize() { if (!SkipDbContextRegistration) { Configuration.Modules.AbpEfCore().AddDbContext<MCodeCoreDbContext>(options => { if (options.ExistingConnection != null) { MCodeCoreDbContextConfigurer.Configure(options.DbContextOptions, options.ExistingConnection); } else { MCodeCoreDbContextConfigurer.Configure(options.DbContextOptions, options.ConnectionString); } }); }
For example Tenant A schedules a SMS sending job and this tenant has its own database and this job has nothing to do with Host database and other databases.