Hi, I have tenants with with separate databases, when hangfire job is executed it uses default host database. How can I force repositories to use specific database for db operations? **IMMEDIATE RESPONSE IS REQUIRED. ** Thanks
Have you guys solved this problem?
[UnitOfWork] //Added but not working public void InitiateNewWorkflow(int requestMainId, int requestTypeId) { var initialRequestConfiguration = _requestTypeConfigurationRepository.GetAllIncluding(p => p.InitialState).Where(p => p.RequestTypeId == requestTypeId);
...other code
// calling... var jobId = BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => _workflowManager.InitiateNewWorkflow(requestMainId, requestTypeId.Value));
I have added [UnitOfWork] but its not working.
Hi, GetAllIncluding gives exception "Cannot access disposed object..." in hangfire background job.
@yekalkan Thank you very much.
I have updated AspNetZeroRadTool\FileTemplates\Client\Mvc\IndexJsTemplate\PartialTemplates with "kt-font-success" but when I run Rad Tool, it removes my changes from PartialTemplates. Please have a look. Thanks
I am already at latest release v2.0.2.1. In Metronic V6.x there is no such class "kt--font-success", correct class name is "kt-font-success".
Hi, Rad tool is assigning class "fa fa-check-circle kt--font-success" to boolean properties in index.js. It should be "fa fa-check-circle kt-font-success". Please update rad tool. Thanks
@yekalkan Thanks
Navigate to root directory of *.Web.Mvc project and run npm run create-bundles command. It will refresh the minified js file.
Minified index.js files that are generated by Rad tool don't have 'name' attribute.