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Hi ,

Is there any updateg on this issue? I am also using ngx-bootstrap datepicker. While displaying date for different locale like 'zh-Hans', its displaying invalid date. But if we display the same data on a td, its displaying as expected on chinese.
Please see the original support tlicket for this issue below,

Hi ,

Please find the below steps I tried,

  1. Builded and ran the latest version from local directory.
  2. switched branch and ran 'dotnet clean' and 'dotnet build' on older version of ASPZero from same directory.
  3. Throws exception.

I changed the local directory for older version and I got the applciation up and running. So I assume both newer and older version of applciation will not co-exist on the same local deirectory of source control. Could you guys fix this?

Hi ,

The issue happens when we are trying to display a date on bootstrap date picker in the above languages and using a date pipe. On this demo site , I could not see any place where there is a datepicker displaying date.

                    placeholder="{{ l('DOB') }}"
                    [ngModel]="demoDetails.dob | date"
                        adaptivePosition: true,
                        dateInputFormat: 'MMM D, YYYY'
                    "demoDetails.dob = $event"
                    [ngClass]="{ 'is-invalid': myForm.hasError('required','dob')}" 

Hi ,

I have cleaned and reubuild after each run. Still throwing exception.

Hi ,

Any updates here?

Hi @ismcagdas ,

Thanks for the clarification. Now its narrowed down to how 'set as default' should work in conjunction with the language button on the top right corner near the user profile.

Back to the original question , the below use case shouls work as per your reply but not,

In the portal go to Admin > Languages Select any language and click on actions drop down. Example, Espanol (Spanish) Click on Actions > Set as default language Successfully saved message is displayed on the bottom right corner of the screen Logout Expected result:

Login page and screen after login should be displayed in the selected default language Actual result 2) Translation to the default language does not occur

I have downloaded a fresh copy of AspZero and tried this and its behaaving the same way. The language selection is overriding the 'set as default'. Is this expected?


I have gone through the implementation details. thanks for this.

But all I wanted to know is in the above case how the applicaation is expected to behave? When i select the default language on tenant website, is it expected to display the tenant website in the selected language?

our update is on the road map. so we can close this. thanks for the reply.

I was able to access the contents and it turns out to be the version. I am using v6.6.1 and the fix is available on 6.8.0.

Do we have any workarounds to show the hangfire dashboard in my case without upgrading to 6.8.0?

I was not able to view this contents as its showing 404. Do I need any credentials to login to github?

Could you also look into the below issue?

  1. Could you please let me know how can I find the version of ABP Zero am using to check if I need to upgrade it to v6.8.0 to resolve the issue?

  2. where should I put 'HangfireDashboardEnabled = true'? in configure method?

  3. Do we have any doumentation on how to implement these changes to view the hangfire dashboard ?

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