Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "PhilWynn"



I need to get started on this project today. We have recently paid to maintain our support contract with you guys specifically so that I can get som guidance on this. I am only asking for some help on how to get started. Please could you take a few minutes just to point me in the right direction here...




Any information for me here? Just a starting point would be appreciated...




There is no help in the link you provided as to how I can update metronic. I would be grateful if you could at least give me a starting point.

  • What version of metronic should I use?
  • I assume I still have free access to their repo with my AspNetZero subscription? How do I access this?
  • What options are available to me?



Thanks for the info. Would you be able to let me know at this stage what the problems we may encounder are?

Regards, Phil

Hi, Yes, this seems to have been the cause. Many thanks.

I am finding that the hashcode depends on how the entity was retrieved. The following code was working fine on v4.3 and no longer works on v5.14:

 var selected = await _reportConfigurationColumnManager.GetConfigurationColumns()
                .Where(c => c.ReportConfigurationTab.ReportConfigurationId == input.ConfigurationId)
                .Select(c => c.EmployeeDetail)

            var all = await _employeeDetailManager.GetAuthorizedEmployeeDetails()

            return all.Except(selected).Select(ed => new ColumnListBoxItem
                Type = ConfigurableReportColumnType.EmployeeDetail,
                Name = ed.TranslatedName,
                EmployeeDetailId = ed.Id
            }).OrderBy(i => i.Name);

For v5.14 I am alwasy getting the full "all" collection, as entity equality seems to have broken. If I override Equals and GetHashCode on the entity, then the code works again.

Note, however, that overriding Equals and GetHashCode is not a viable solution for me, as I would need to do this across the board for many entities.

Something has changed in ABP between these 2 versions to cause the entity equality to break.



Thank you.

Can you point me in the direction of any documentation that would help me to implement a custom filter for this purpose. I have found a link for adding a custom data filter in Entity Framework Core, but we are using EF6.

Many thanks


Sorry, I have no solution to offer. I refactored my code so that I no longer needed to perform db access within module initialisation.

However, there was never an issue with this, just an unwanted warning message.



I have re-structured my code and this is no longer an issue.

Thank you for your help


I had already tried it that way. Unfortunately still the same result.

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