Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "PhilWynn"


I am currently migrating to the current version and am unable to specify the page footer as fixed. I notice that there is a flag, ThemeFooterSettingsDto.FixedFooter, but this has no effect. Have you dropped support for fixed footers?



Hi, We are using a very old version of AspnetZero (v4 MVC) and have been simply updating the ABP libraries as we go. I have now been tasked with updating the jQuery library to the latest version, and I'm assuming this will mean updating the Metronic version as well. Could you please give me some help as to how I can approach this task.

Many thanks Phil


Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

Aspnet.Zero v4 MVC .net framework

If issue related with ABP Framework


Hi, we have been running our application on .net MVC (jQuery) for several years. We started on v4 and have updated the ABP libraries up to v6.3

We are now in a position where we would like to migrate the project to the latest Aspnet.Zero Core (jQery) version. At this stage, I am interested in any documentation that exists for this process, and any resources that could be made available to us.

Many thanks.


Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • v4.0
  • MVC
  • .Net

If issue related with ABP Framework

  • 5.14

Hi, I have recently upgraded from ABP v4.3 to v5.14. I am now finding that I am getting the following discrepencies on GetHashCode for my Enity objects:

` // 10171594 var empdet = (await _employeeDetailManager.EmployeeDetails.SingleAsync(e => e.Id == 42)).GetHashCode();

// 59790523 var empdet5 = (await _employeeDetailManager .EmployeeDetails .AsNoTracking() .FirstAsync(e => e.Id == 42)).GetHashCode();

` This is causing me many issues, as it has broken all code that performs comarrisons between entities. All my entities inherit from base class FullAuditedEntity

Please can you advise as to why I am not getting consistent hash codes, and what I can do to rectify this..?

Many thanks



Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • What is your product version? v4
  • What is your product type MVC
  • What is product framework type .net framework

If issue related with ABP Framework

  • What is ABP Framework version? v5.14


We have a requirement for a "Provider" user to be able to access a sub-set of tenancies. We would configure the included tenancies via the Host user.

Is there any support for this arrangement in Zero? If not, do you have any recommendations as to how I could best go about achieving this?

Many thanks.


I have a requirement to perform a database query withing the web module. I have implemented this within PostInitialize as follows:

    public override void PostInitialize()
            var idpConfigurationManager = IocManager.Resolve<IdpConfigurationManager>();

            var idps = idpConfigurationManager.GetAllIdps();
    public class IdpConfigurationManager : IppexCloudDomainServiceBase
        private readonly IRepository<IdpConfiguration> _idpConfigRepository;

        public IdpConfigurationManager(IRepository<IdpConfiguration> idpConfigRepository)
            _idpConfigRepository = idpConfigRepository;

        public IQueryable<IdpConfiguration> IdpConfigurations => _idpConfigRepository.GetAll();

        public IEnumerable<IdpConfiguration> GetAllIdps()
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.Begin(new UnitOfWorkOptions {IsTransactional = false}))
                    return IdpConfigurations.AsNoTracking().ToList();

The code is working, however I am getting the following warning logged:

System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): Request is not available in this context at System.Web.HttpContext.get_Request() at Abp.Web.MultiTenancy.HttpCookieTenantResolveContributor.ResolveTenantId() in D:\Github\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp.Web\Web\MultiTenancy\HttpCookieTenantResolveContributor.cs:line 20 at Abp.MultiTenancy.TenantResolver.GetTenantIdFromContributors() in D:\Github\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\MultiTenancy\TenantResolver.cs:line 75

Please could you advise me as to whether or not this is an acceptible approach, and how to rid myself of the warning.

I am using Aspnet Zero MVC with ABP v4.5.0

Many thanks



I have a requirement to add SSO SAML2 support to my Aspnet Zero application. I am running the MVC5 version.

I have decided to go with the Api provided by Sustainsys.Saml2 (formerly Kentor).

I have imported the library and set it up to run via the OWIN pipeline. This is easily done with the following line of code in StartUp:

app.UseSaml2Authentication(new Saml2AuthenticationOptions(true));

The return URL is set to AccountController.ExternalLoginCallback. I have the following code:

            // returns null
            var loginInfo = await _authenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                // returns valid claims
                var claims = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Claims;

What I am finding is that the authentication succeeds. I am getting a user identity and claims are coming across from the Identity Provider.

The problem is that the call to GetExternalLoginInfoAsync returns NULL, and I am therefore unable to sign the user in.

I am assuming that further work is required in plumbing the authenticated user into the pipeline. Please could you provide some assistance as to how I can proceed.

Many thanks.


I am currently running aspnet zero on MVC/jquery.

I am getting publishing warnings when pre-compiling cshtml files and would like to set the http runtime target framework to v4.6.1 in web.config. Could you please let me know the reason why the runtime framework is currently set at v4.5.1 whereas the compilation framework is set to v4.6.1?

Many thanks



Having been successfully hosting our Aspnet Zero based system for several years, we have just encountered a security problem.

A user logged on to a recently created tenancy only to find that the tenancy/user label in the top right corner was referring to a different user on tenancy to which he had no connection.

The menu items he reported seeing were consistent with the permissions of the user labelled in the top right corner, but the data he was seeing was correct for the tenancy to which he logged on.

Please note the following:

  • I could find no record in the UserLoginAttempts table for this particular login
  • I could find nothing in the error logs to suggest what the problem was
  • There is no chance that the user labelled in the top right corner could have ever logged on from that machine
  • I am running Aspnet Zero v4.0 on MVC/Jquery.
  • I upgraded to ABP v4.5.0 a few months ago.

This is of great concern to us, and am hoping you would be able to shed some light on this.

Many thanks.

Additional information: I have just been informed by my client that the login mentioned above was done via the Linked User functionality. It has also happened once more, this time via an impersonation login



I am using Aspnet Zero MVC/jQuery.

Please could you give me some guidance as to how I can apply versioning to my dynamic web api.

Many thanks

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