Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Romka"


AspnetCore .NET6 Angular, AspnetZero v11.0.1

We are facing some issues with the visual settings (checked also with the raw template just downloaded, fresh new database) :

Theme Default : Expand menu when hovered : no effect Default minimized aside : no effect Submenu dropdown mode : does not work

Theme 2: Header bar : option "Topbar" is present twice The kt_quick_user_toggle icon is half hidden (too much at bottom)

We did not test each and everything, maybe there are other things.


kind of a "feature request" :

Is it possible to have multiple authentication methods linked to the same account (by using email address as id) ? E.g :

  • I create an account "the classic way", choosing my password and so on, with the email "[email protected]"
  • I log out
  • I click on the Google social login
  • I authenticate via Google SSO, using the account "[email protected]"
  • Instead of having an error prompt such as "An account using the same address already exists" or similar, I would want the system to recognize my address and to log me in with the previoulsy created account.

Many SAAS websites work like that.

v10.4 (Abp 6.4.0) Xamarin 16.10 Mono 6.12

Dear team,

we are not able to compile our app when targeting iOS.

The error we are facing is :

MTOUCH : error MT2102: Error processing the method 'System.Void Abp.Auditing.AuditingInterceptor/<InternalInterceptAsynchronous>d__6`1::MoveNext()' in the assembly 'Abp.dll': Value cannot be null.

We tried to downgrade abp version one by one major point, and it starts working with abp v5.x. We tried with disabling linker, with no luck.

It's a critical issue to us.

I can forward you by mail the whole build log and further info, if needed.


  • v10.2.0
  • Angular
  • net5.0
  • latest ABP Framework version


we are currently working on our security vulnerabilities, with static analysis.

We wanted to check our application against CSRF ; but it does not seem to work.

=> we do have the following in the startup.cs :

services.AddControllersWithViews(options =>
                options.Filters.Add(new AbpAutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute());

=> but if I open Chrome's devtools, then for instance upload a file in the chat (backend method 'UploadFile' is living in the "ChatControllerBase" class, Web.Core project), then check network tab in devtools, check request headers : no "X-CSRF-TOKEN', neither 'RequestVerificationToken".

I checked the following link :

I don't know what to try further.

Last version (9.3.0), aspnetcore + Angular :

  • create a new webhook subscription ;
  • add an additional header ;
  • save ;
  • edit, then emove the header ;
  • save ;
  • => the header is still there.

To correct this you simply have to change this line, in create-or-edit-webhook-subscription-modal.component.ts :



I found a bug in the UI Customization.

==> Theme "default" : uncheck "Menu" => "Fixed Menu" and check "Allow aside minimizing"

==> Minimize the aside menu : the button to maximize back is hidden, so the user is not able to show the menu.

If "Fixed menu" is checked, the button does show.

Dear team,

I can't find any way for the users to delete a webhook subscription. Neither in Angular UI nor at backend side (WebhookSubscriptionAppService).

Is there a reason for this ?



we want to provide OpenId SSO capability in our aspnetzero-based solution. We did not modified anything regarding to these parts of the application.

We try to validate it using the Google OpenId API. (We did succeeded to validate the Google External login implementation, so not the OpenId one but the "Google" one in aspnetzero settings).

It fails with a frontend error : "core.js:4197 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Wrong issuer:"

Here are the settings we used :

Client ID & client secret are definitively OK, they work with "Google" external login settings.

Did we missed something, or the aspnetzero implementation is broken ?



I write in this post because we have the very same problem than this one, and we can't figure out what to do to fix (I initally wrote in the other thread but it did'nt reopen it, that's why I create a new one) ====>'t-see-Tenants-and-Settings-in-admin-console

=> I login as a tenant's user => I "switch back to my account" which is the host admin => I can only see the Administration menu (we removed the Demo ui Components).

It does not occurs each time. When it occurs, if I put a breakpoint, say, in the getCurrentLoginInformations method, I can see that the current user is the right one (UserId 1, TenantId null). If I execute in the immediate window this.PermissionChecker.IsGranted(xxxxx.Authorization.AppPermissions.Pages_Tenants), it returns false.

Any idea on this ?



any news from this ?

I don't known what to put in my ADFS server :

Showing 1 to 10 of 13 entries