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Activities of "SBJ"

Hi Volosoft,

This morning I downloaded the latest Visual Studio update (version 15.9.9). When editing one of my Entities I noticed that using the Power Tools caused Visual Studio to crash when updating one of the entity's attributes.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Download an unmodified Asp.Net Zero repository for Asp.Net Core + Angular (Angular not included in Asp.Net Core Solution)
  • Use Asp.Net Zero Power Tools to Create Entity with a single property (turned off adding and applying database migration for convenience)
  • Use Asp.Net Zero Power Tools to Regenerate Entity, and select the entity just created.
  • Update the property of the entity, for example by renaming it.
  • When you close the update property popup window, Visual Studio crashes and reboots. (note that this is before I get to push the generate button)

The installed Power Tools extension has version

For the time being I get around the issue by deleting the original entity and all code generated and creating fresh entities instead of regenerating them. (we are setting up a new project).

Kind regards, Roel van Happen


We recently purchased ASP.NET Zero and started working on our installation.

I looked into adding a custom Metronic theme and I successfully added a new colour (using MetronicThemeChanger) to the pallette of the Default theme, including the custom theme folders with metronic-customize, etc. However, I noticed that assets/common/styles/themes/mytheme/metronic-customize.cssis used and that assets/common/styles/themes/mytheme/metronic-customize.lessis not compiled/built to the .cssvariant. So when I make changes to the .lessfile, the changes are not reflected in the .cssfile.

I saw that DynamicResourcesHelper.tsincludes the PrimeNG CSS and the above mentioned metronic-customize.css, but how can I change this to include/use the .lessvariant without changing core code? Changing it in DynamicResourcesHelper.tswould mean that I can't upgrade without losing this modification. I can't edit AppPreBootstrap, which seems to load in the DynamicResourcesHelper, as that is basically core code as well.

I also tried adding the .lessfile in angular.json(tried it both before styles.cssand after it), but the changes in the .lessfile are still overridden by the .cssone. And I also tried using @importfor that file in src/styles.css, which doesn't seem to work either.

Any tips on how to approach this would be appreciated. :)

Hello @ismcagdas,

I'll use the workaround in the meantime, whilst waiting for the new release.

Thanks for the help and quick reply! :)


We are trying to Add Items to our menu from a database entitie. If we try to getAll we get the exeption that the user was not logged in. And if you login the menu is already loaded so it does not get the call to the database.

As an example we created the Entitie Car so in the menu we have Car but as a submenu we would like to see all the cars that are available inside the database. Car Audi BMW Tesla

How can we create this type of menu dynamically?

We are using the latest version of ASP.Net Zero ASP.Net Core MVC 7.2.0

The problem with the GetAll is that we are not logged in yet and the menu is determined on launch not on login. So there is no connection with the database. It seems that we need to somehow add a dynamic menu service but I'm a bit confused how to implement this. Do you have any examples for this?

Hello, We are trying to implement kanban in our project - ASP.Net core MVC so that we can make better use of the drag and drop functionalities. Reference: We could see that the ASP.Net zero makes use of the Metronic for UI customization. Could you please let us know if there are any NPM or any other way to implement the Kanban in the ASP.Net zero application

Hello @ismcagdas

According to your own F.A.Q. Can I use all Metronic components ant themes in ASP.NET Zero? your answer is: ASP.NET Zero uses Metronic as the UI theme. Metronic is one of the world's most popular, strongest and richest UI themes, probably even the first. That's why we have chosen it. When you buy ASP.NET Zero, you will have access to all Metronic theme layouts and components. You can use all of them in your applications.

But it is not the case because Kanban is not implemented even though it is an component inside Metronic see the link in our previous question. When trying to implement this library globally because we want to use it on multiple pages the submenu's aren't working anymore.

So the question remains how to implement kanban globally in our project like the component from Metronic? And why isn't it already incorporated like stated in the F.A.Q.?


The version used is 8.7.0.

We're currently trying to extend the chat functionality with a custom SignalR hub. Hoever, my colleague and I came across a very weird issue also illustrated in this thread: The difference being that we didn't manage to encounter any exception using Postman, yet all properties of global variable abp cannot be found. The two properties we're trying to access are and abp.signalr.

I've attached a screenshot to illustrate how logging the abp to the console inside my partial view displays all the available and filled properties. But then, the next line of code (so no in-between tampering or mutation), it says it cannot call startConnection() because abp.signalr is undefined all of a sudden.

The startConnection() method call is executed as such and we've mapped the hub in Startup.cs.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var registrationChatHub = null;
    var abp = abp;
    console.log('ABP contents:', abp);

    abp.signalr.startConnection(abp.appPath + 'signalr-chat-registration', function (connection) {
        registrationChatHub = connection; // save reference

        connection.on('getMessage', function (message) {
            console.log('received msg:', message);
    }).then(function (connection) {
        abp.log.debug('Connected to RegistrationHub server.');

    abp.event.on('registrationHub.connected', function () {
        registrationChatHub.invoke('sendMessage', 'Hello!');

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • What is your product version? Currently upgraded to 10.1.0; originally 8.7.0.
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? MVC.
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .NET Core.

I've followed the guide found at and merged it to my development and resolved the conflicts as instructed on the linked page, but when I try to build the solution, it fails with 3 errors that always pop-up (the last ones in the screenshot just appeared today):

I do have .NET 5.0 SDK installed, so that shouldn't be an issue either.

Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you for the information. I've re-done the merge conflicts and fixed that part along with it. It works now.

Thank you.

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