How difficult can it be for you guys to create a simple step by step example that would achieve something like this? Just the most basic of this. ie ADD customers, then add ORDERS to each customer.
Customer - can just have {Id, FullName} Order - can have {Id, ReferenceNumber, Amount}
just this demostration?
I want a simple tutorial/example : add customers then add multiple orders to these customers (preferrable creating both these entities using Power Tools). Any pointers?
Let me redo this proper first, I will come back
I have two linked entities 'Policy Holder' which can have multiple 'Policies'. I have generated both entities using the power tools (added PolicyHolder as one of the navigations for Policy). I want to open the 'Create Policy' from the 'Policy Holder' Grid see below pic
how do I pass the PolicyHolderId to this dialog?
text: 'Add - Policy',
visible: function () {
return _permissions.create;
action: function (data) {
debugger{ id: });
this above doesnt seem to work
got it, had to do the ReverseMappings()
exception below
AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException: Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping.
Mapping types: Title -> CreateOrEditTitleDto insureserve.GenericLookups.Title -> insureserve.GenericLookups.Dtos.CreateOrEditTitleDto at lambda_method(Closure , Title , CreateOrEditTitleDto , ResolutionContext ) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object , ResolutionContext ) at AutoMapper.Mapper.AutoMapper.IMapper.Map[TDestination](Object source) in C:\projects\automapper\src\AutoMapper\Mapper.cs:line 212
I create an entity with just two properties Id & Name, creating & listing is working fine BUT 'edit' is failing on this line (this is happening to all of these entities)
var output = new GetTitleForEditOutput { Title = ObjectMapper.Map<CreateOrEditTitleDto>(title) };
I did a clean pull on a different machine, all seems good. this is very strange though. I am going to get the clean pull again and see.
That is very strange, let me pull a clean version of this branch again later and see if I dont get any issues.