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Activities of "TimMackey"

Is there a migration path from ANZ Angular/Core to ABP Commercial?

ANZ makes liberal use of class="kt-whatever. Where can I find the Keentheme documentation for classes?

Also, I want to use buttons on this demo page: Buttons metronic & bootstrap style buttons Where is the documentation?

The Keenthemes website seems like a hodgepodge of demos and APIs with no readily apparent organization.

Still need help with this.

It took a bit to figure out how to pass parameters, but finally did. Here's what I ended up with. <a routerLink="/app/main/ttm-page_7" [queryParams]="{menuId: 7}">

Behaves just like navigation from the sidebar menu. Thank you! :)

Works great! Thanks.

The solution I settled on was to test if (AbpSession.ImpersonatorUserId == 1), then don't call _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync, since by definition if the UserId is 1, then I know who the user is - the host admin.

A specific case. Before I investigated further, I re-created a new database. Problem not seen again.

Is Alerts the recommended (and documented) notification service?

I was referring to UI Alerts Upon closer inspection it appears that this is for MVC apps only (please correct me if I misunderstand).

How can I control notify style on a global basis?

In src/styles.css I modified .swal2-popup.swal2-toast .swal2-header, .swal2-popup.swal2-toast .swal2-title, .swal2-popup.swal2-toast .swal2-content class to globally affect all notifiy messages. Thank you for that.

How can I change the position and timer on global basis? I don't want to edit every notify message with {timer: 5000, position: 'center'}

notify is defined in app-compoent.base.ts. So, yes, scope may be the issue What I really want to accomplish is increasing the font size for all notifications. How can I control notify style on a global basis?

I seems that NotifyService is defined in abp-ng2-module, which wraps abp.notify. I'm unable to see inside this wrapper. The service is not documented. It does not behave as sweetalert2. Is notify a legacy service? Is Alerts the recommended (and documented) notification service?

CSS is loaded. 100px !important does not change font size.

Showing 121 to 130 of 285 entries