Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "TimMackey"

I want to create many new db entities, which will linked to each other with foreign keys. How can I get existing Abp entities (like Tenant) and my custom entities to appear in the list to "Add New Navigation Property"?

I like the layout and operation of ASP.NET Zero and ASP.NET Boilerplate documentation pages, with page selection column on the left, and section within the page selection column on the right. I'd like to use the same layout for documenting my app. Is this based on a package I can obtain from a vendor or community? Better still, can you incorportate a few sample web pages into the ASP.NET Zero app in a future release?

I used the Power Tool to create an entity. I am able to add a record in my table using the GUI generated when I am logged in.

I have a new registration form, and I want to add a record in my table at registration time - before the user has logged in. In method 'public async Task<RegisterTenantOutput> RegisterTenant(RegisterTenantInput input)' I call the 'CreateOrEdit' method of 'IInstitutionsAppService', as follows:

                    await _institutionsAppService.CreateOrEdit(
                        new TtmDataModel.Dtos.CreateOrEditInstitutionDto()
                            DomainName = emailDomain,
                            InstitutionName = institutionName,
                            TenantId = tenant.Id,
                            IsSet_ = 0,
                            Id = null,

Invoking the method results in an Exception being thrown. Exception.message: "Current user did not login to the application!"

Can you direct me to the documentation that will explain how to create and edit my custom table records without the user being logged in? Or if there is no documentation, please explain how to accomplish this objective. Thank you.

Using version 6.2.0 as released - no modifications.

Create new user:

Login as 'Default' tenant, 'admin' user. Edit role: User

Login as 'Default' tenant, 'newusername' user. Open menu sidebar.

DB tables:

Version 6.2.0

When editing the role of "User" (when logged in as 'admin'), one cannot pick and chose selections from the available permissions and make changes existent to 'User' roles. While the top-of-menu choices of 'Dashboard' and 'Demo UI Components' can be made available to the User role when logged in as 'admin', the submenu choices under 'Administration' is all-or-nothing.

For example, when choosing 'Subscription', the 'Administration' choice is also automatically selected. When logged in with 'User' role, neither 'Administration' nor 'Subscription' is presented in the sidebar menu.

Is this by design? If yes, what do I need to change in order to make selected submenu permissions available to Users?

I see the AbpPermissions table is populated with permissions for Role ADMIN. I haven't had any luck finding the code that adds rows to AbpPermissions for Role USER. Can you provide any guidance? Thank you.


GUI Generator:

User Interface:

  • how do each of the selections affect the generated code?
  • what is the difference between "User Interface" and "View Only Modal"?
  • how does unselecting all checkboxes affect the output?


  • does "Add migration" create a migration in <MYPROJ>.EntityFrameWork project?
  • does "Update Database" run 'Update-Database' in the Package Manager Console?
  • what happens if no selection is made?

Multi Tenancy:

  • how is the output affected for Host and Tenant selections?
  • what happens (or doesn't happen) if no selection is made?

Please consider forwarding the suggestion to Metronic. I assume ASPNETZERO is a customer of significance for Metronic, and therefore they may take your suggestion more seriously than someone who is not a customer. Thank you.


The documentation is inadequate.

What is the relationship between selections in the GUI generator dialog to the templates? What do selections in the GUI generator dialog do? How is output affected? What values are substituted for tags in the templates? Where is the description and explanation for all tags? How are MainTemplate, PartialTemplates, and TemplatInfo used?

The present method of Trial-and-Error is a HUGE waste of the community's collective time.

I attempted to 'Load an Entity from a Database' with the following selections:

Windows 10 cmd shell produced the following:

-> InstitutionsAppService.cs is being generated.
-> IInstitutionsAppService.cs is being generated.
-> InstitutionsConsts.cs is being generated.
-> CreateOrEditInstitutionsDto.cs is being generated.
-> InstitutionsDto.cs is being generated.
-> GetAllForLookupTableInput.cs is being generated.
-> GetAllInstitutionsInput.cs is being generated.
-> GetInstitutionsForView.cs is being generated.
-> GetInstitutionsForEditOutput.cs is being generated.
-> Institutions.cs is being generated.
-> AppPermissions.cs is being modified.
-> AppAuthorizationProvider.cs is being modified.
-> ngTTMDbContext.cs is being modified.
-> CustomDtoMapper.cs is being modified.
Running add-migration...
Build failed.
Running update-database...
Build failed.
-> ngTTM.xml is being modified.

Code generation is complete. Press ENTER to exit...

127 files were created or modified. 15 files in asp-net-core/src/ngTTM, the remainder in new folder 'AspNetZeroRadTool'.

The documentation states the following files (substituting 'cars' for 'institutions') should be created for Angular:




(Main or Admin)-routing.module.ts
(Main or Admin).module.ts

No files were modified or created in my application's '/angular' folder. Why?

Showing 291 to 300 of 398 entries