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Activities of "TimMackey"

In the Acme.PhoneBookDemo project Should_Create_Person_With_Valid_Arguments() test fails, and CreateNewPerson dialog also fails.

In file PhoneBookDemo\aspnet-core\src\PhoneBookDemo.Application\Persons\PersonAppService.cs I made the following change to get the test to pass and the dialog to work.

    public async Task CreatePerson(CreatePersonInput input)
        //Person person = ObjectMapper.Map<Person>(input);        // remove

        // add
        Person person = new Person
            Name = input.Name,
            Surname = input.Surname,
            EmailAddress = input.EmailAddress
        // end add

        await _personRepository.InsertAsync(person);

If the above change is not the preferred solution, please advise.

Successfully merged all v5.3 changes. There are still 19 Xamarin-specific packages waiting updates. When attempting to upgrade any single package or multiple packages, a similar error message keeps appearing:

"You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v8.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author."

Can you provide an estimate when this will be resolved? (for our project implementation planning)

I have some sympathy for the effort in resolving all the update errors, having (unsuccessfully) attempted it myself. I also recognize that given the number of packages used in the solution that there will frequently (possibly daily) be one or more packages in need of updating. A few a day I can handle, provided they go smoothly. I just didn't expect to see packages published in Oct/Nov 2017 waiting to be updated. I will continue to monitor for v5.3 release.

The patch has now been applied correctly. Issue resolved. Thank you.

Will the commit be in the v5.3 release? If, yes, then I will wait for v5.3.

I will keep an eye out for the next release and try it. I will let you know how it goes. Thank you.

I am able to login as host. Thank you.

I did try the fix and I can select almost all of the available area. However, if the selected area includes the right edge of the uploaded image, an Exception still occurs. So, yes, the fix is performing better than before in that I can select a large area, but still causes Exceptions.

Sorry if my previous explanation was too brief.

Oh, you want to play "20 Questions"! OK, let's begin... How do I login as host?

Why are you guys so consistently stingy with information? If I knew how to login as host I would have done so. Start from the beginning, step by step instructions, please. Or put it in the documentation. Is that too onerous?

I am taken to the main (tenant) dashboard when I login. How do I get to the admin (host) dashboard?

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