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Activities of "TimMackey"

Does this mean that until v5.3 is released, Swagger cannot make calls to the server and expect an OK 200 response like a logged-in user would?

I created a project from here yesterday: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ed-Angular</a>

That solution worked. Thank you!

Answer: <ins>In the debugger window of your browser</ins>, select 'Console'.

Entering 'abp.swagger.login()' causes an error: "Uncaught ReferenceError: abp is not defined at <anonymous>:1:1"

Better. However, if the selected area touches the right-side of the image, an Exception occurs.

Why does AspNetZero not distribute their framework with all NuGet packages up to date?
Either AspNetZero does the work one time, or every customer (1000's ?)does the work.

Download the PhoneBookDemo project. Open Acme.PhoneBookDemo.Mobile.sln in Visual Studio 2017. Manage NuGet Packages for solution. Select 'Updates (50)'. Select and check only 'Xamarin.Forms'. Click 'Update'.

Package Manager log: Resolving dependency information took 0 ms Resolving actions install multiple packages

Attempting to gather dependency information for multiple packages with respect to project 'src\Acme.PhoneBookDemo.Mobile.Droid', targeting 'MonoAndroid,Version=v8.0' Gathering dependency information took 11.34 sec Attempting to resolve dependencies for multiple packages. Resolving dependency information took 0 ms Resolving actions install multiple packages Retrieving package 'Xamarin.Forms' from ''. Removed package 'Xamarin.Forms' from 'packages.config' Successfully uninstalled 'Xamarin.Forms' from Acme.PhoneBookDemo.Mobile.iOS Adding package 'Xamarin.Forms.' to folder 'C:\PhoneBookDemo\PhoneBookDemo\aspnet-core\packages' Added package 'Xamarin.Forms.' to folder 'C:\PhoneBookDemo\PhoneBookDemo\aspnet-core\packages' Added package 'Xamarin.Forms.' to 'packages.config' Successfully installed 'Xamarin.Forms' to Acme.PhoneBookDemo.Mobile.iOS Executing nuget actions took 8.4 sec Found package 'Xamarin.Forms' in 'C:\PhoneBookDemo\PhoneBookDemo\aspnet-core\packages'. Removed package 'Xamarin.Forms' from 'packages.config' Successfully uninstalled 'Xamarin.Forms' from Acme.PhoneBookDemo.Mobile.Droid Package 'Xamarin.Forms.' already exists in folder 'C:\PhoneBookDemo\PhoneBookDemo\aspnet-core\packages' Install failed. Rolling back... Package 'Xamarin.Forms' does not exist in project 'Acme.PhoneBookDemo.Mobile.Droid' Package 'Xamarin.Forms' already exists in folder 'C:\PhoneBookDemo\PhoneBookDemo\aspnet-core\packages' Added package 'Xamarin.Forms' to 'packages.config' Executing nuget actions took 2 min This collection is read-only. Time Elapsed: 00:02:23.2623017 ========== Finished ==========

Unable to update NuGet package Xamarin.Android.Support.Design for Mobile solution.

The following error occurs: Could not install package 'Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable 27.0.2'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v8.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.

That is the solution. Thank you.

Where is "the console"?

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