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Activities of "TimMackey"

This was caused by an invalid domain forwarding configruation error. Specifically, when Godaddy is the domain name registrar, and Azure is the host provider, you must use an A record with the Azure host IP address, and NOT the "Forwarding" setup in Godaddy.

This was caused by an invalid domain forwarding configruation error. Specifically, when Godaddy is the domain name registrar, and Azure is the host provider, you must use an A record with the Azure host IP address, and NOT the "Forwarding" setup in Godaddy.


This error has reappeared.

Unable to reproduce exact steps. Has something to do with debugging in VS Code and running the debugger in VS Code.

An email account has been created specifically for testing this issue on my server.

An updated project has been emailed to [email protected]

The app is published in Release mode. (publish profile in project submitted via email) Please review appconfig...json files in project (submitted via email).

Sent 2nd time. Email contains link to 78MB zip file on Google Drive.

  1. Publish .Web.Host app
  2. notice 'appsettings.Development.json' file has been transferred to server.
  3. go to the domain login page. CORS errors occur.
  4. delete 'appsettings.Development.json' file on server.
  5. go to domain login page. No CORS error. Page displays normally.

Despite server environment being set correctly, the 'appsettings.Development.json' is not ignored.

  1. deploy the app to a server.
  2. login to the app.
  3. open the frame as in the images submitted images. Please note the URL in the image. (above)
  4. adjust browser width less-than 640 pixels. Please reference description above submitted images (above)

Detailed deployment and setup instructions were submitted to info@aspnetzero, Subject #10208, etc.

project files emailed to [email protected]

project files emailed to [email protected]

Showing 51 to 60 of 285 entries