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Activities of "WirelessDynamics"


Dear All,

we need to add a local database for the maui project for offline access, do you have any guidelines?

also we need the right way to access device hardware, like Barcode scanner, NFC and Camera


Dear All,

1- Is there a method to return all the dynamicEntitypropertyValue for all entities in a specific table at one database call and not per entity, as currently if we have a table for example with 7000 entities we have to loop on each on them, and have a database call in each loop, we need to get them all before loop and loop on them locally.

2- does the current Excel export method support exporting the Dynamics properties as well? and how?


we noticed that the above behaviour happened in case of Entity with Dynamics property, any solution here?

we tried to regenerate entity using power tool as you suggested but we are getting another error, the power tool does not regenerate the methods correctly it can not reach the property names and put them in the generated or modified files, please advise

We can't just regenerate old entity as it has many modifications and deviatiation from the power tool generated one.

We need to keep the old as is

hello , We are upgrading our project from version 11.4.0 to version 13.2.0 but after resolving all the merge conflicts we are facing multiple errors regarding the Excel export functionality for all the user created entities which was using this library to generate the excel files using WDx_Asset_Tracking.DataExporting.Excel.NPOI; now all exporting methods use using WDx_Asset_Tracking.DataExporting.Excel.MiniExcel; is there a way to update the export excel function automatically after the upgrade inside the power tool because it would take a lot of effort and time to do this to all the user created entities in the app.

We tried it with version 11, 11.4 and also 13.2 angular, you can try even a simple entity with one string field and one file field, we can see two problem.

1- the file token sent is null when saving.

2- also there is another problem that we see the the cache is set at uploading the image not at save and it set to 1 min. So the user uploading the photo a d waiting around 1 min before saving the entity , it will no be found in the cache.


Dear All,

When using Power Tool To add file upload in an Entity, the image is not uploaded, please advise.


Dear All,

We have a problem as follows, ASPcore browser has to be opened (:4430) in order for the angular to be opened, otherwise the angular app won't work please advise.

Thanks, Mina.



Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • What is your product version? Version 11
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angluar
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? Core

Dear all,

In dedicated tenet database, does we need to have also coonection to host database.

The needed scenario is that we need to provide on premise tenet to a certern customer on this closed network that has no access to the cloud.

Thanks, Mina.

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