Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "XugoWebTeam"

Hi Aaron,

I did have tried to use the AbpSession.Use but did not work. I will try _unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId , Thanks

Hi Team,

I used a webhooks to create tasks for different tenants automatically. I am having issues to send the notifications to users. Becuase the webhooks are processed at the host side without any user logged in. It does not have the access to the user via the UserManage or UserRepository. How can I get the user info by the username or id? How can I send the notification to the correct user? Thanks

Hi Team,

I tried the OpenID connection with Azure AD but it keeps getting the 'The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application: ' error. What the reply url should I set? I used the http://localhost:22742 in my dev environment and it works beatulfully. I tried, https://*, but all not working.

Please help, thanks!

Hi Team,

Is there any way to receive external notifications via webhook on the server side? How can I get pass the authorization and receive the data?


Hi Team,

Can we have a switch to select Optimistic Locking and Pessimistic Locking on different entities in future release? Some higher security data we want it is always edited under max 1 user only. Other normal data use optimistic locking will be fine.

<cite>alper: </cite> Do you want to choose your angular project path? Is that what you want?

Yes, we have different paths for Prod/Test an Dev. It is manage-able but will be good if we can select the angular project path.

Hi Team,

Just tried the Rad tool which is great! For the angular components, it is looking for "angular" project, can we have an option to select project so that it works on other project names?

Usually the start up project only has the migrations to create tables from new database.
So we can actually get the migrations for each release, at the moment?

We found it is a little painful to transfer the SQL data especially with clients’ data during the previous upgrades. Are there any database changes from 5.1 to 5.3? And will there be any SQL upgrade scripts in future so that we don’t have to re-create the database in each upgrade?

I am using 4.6.1. Will there be any documents about how to upgrade to the next version? Thanks

Showing 81 to 90 of 100 entries