Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "abrewer"

Hello, in the angular solution, all of the grids that are generated have paging. Is there a simple way to configure a grid to display all rows, and not use paging?


The unit test browser only lists [AppName].Test.Base. The rest of the tests are not discovered. The same solution opened on a PC running VS2019 has no problem displaying the full list of tests.

Interestingly, if you execute "dotnet test" from the terminal all 100+ tests run. It just appears that Visual Studio will not display them. Is anyone else successfully running test from Visual Studio for mac?




I use LinqPad as a rapid prototyping tool. There latest version 6 will support .net core.

I would like to use linqpad to "talk" to my DLLs. I am executing the following code.

void Main()

	var myService = IocManager.Instance.Resolve<LoadsAppService>();

and getting the following error.

ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service Orca.LogisticsDomain.LoadsAppService was found

Any help to get me talking with linqpad would be much appreciated!


I'm using ASP.Net Core and Angular.

I am attempting to make a master detail component for my business object called Company. A single company has a collection of Contacts associated.

I have modified the power tools generated company edit page, and have implmented the ngb tabset control, and put the company info on the first tab, and then created a second tab where I have inserted the power tools generated Contacts component.

The issue i am running into, is that when I attempt to create a new contact and click the "Create New Contact" button, it closes the Company Modal immediatley (it also fires a sweetalert indicating that it saved the company record.). Is there something that I need to change in reference to the modals to be able to launch a modal from a modal?



im using the Angular/CORE project. I notice that the metronic quick-search.js has been included in the base solution. can you provide a tutorial on implementing the quick search?


After attempting to get multi tenancy working via URL, i have somehow "broken" my angular project. (Hosted as sperate docker containers within Azure (one for angularUI and another for HostAPI)) I have reverted all of my changes, but I am still getting the following error when attempting to browse to my angular site.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
    at rm (main.49118b8c2f617af10825.js:1)
    at main.49118b8c2f617af10825.js:1
    at t.invoke (polyfills.80be5f6d927a95a00d1b.js:1)
    at Object.onInvoke (main.49118b8c2f617af10825.js:1)
    at t.invoke (polyfills.80be5f6d927a95a00d1b.js:1)
    at (polyfills.80be5f6d927a95a00d1b.js:1)
    at (main.49118b8c2f617af10825.js:1)
    at e.bootstrapModuleFactory (main.49118b8c2f617af10825.js:1)
    at zA (main.49118b8c2f617af10825.js:1)
    at Module.zUnb (main.49118b8c2f617af10825.js:1)

Chat feature is not working on Angular app deployed as a container in Azure. The chat icon continues to spin and say "Chat is connecting..." but it never connects.


Im trying to utilize Azure DevOps to setup a CI\CD pipeline. I am able to build and run my container locally on a windows 10 machine, however when I attempt to using the docker file to build within Azure DevOps build pipeline im getting an error on the container

Did you mean to run dotnet SDK commands? Please install dotnet SDK from:

I suspect that the issue is that Im not getting my source code DLLs included in my pipeline created image, I have be able to confirm this my taking my working container, sh access run an ls command, and I can see my dlls. On my pipeline created image, I do not see these DLLs when I perform the same command. I am only using the Dockerfile in the Web.Host project, I think im missing something.


Now that Zero 7 is launched and using Angular 8, is it possible to use the Ivy compiler? If so how do you enable?

I see that the Metronic controls have a TypeAhead component, however the example in Zero Demo Components makes use of primeng autoComplete. Is there a reason that you did not use the Metronic TypeAhead? Is primeng better in any way?

Just curious? THanks

Showing 1 to 10 of 13 entries