Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "admin@SYNTAQ"

Thanks for spotting that.

we do not have this package in our solution (it runs locally just fine). Which project would you suggest adding it too?


We have recently upgraded to 8.8 (MVC .net core 3.3 Jquery). The app will not run. Below are links to the Error messages. Can you help? we have been at this for a couple of days and are not sure where to go.

We had no previous problems running 7.1 .net core in the same environment.

Error Logs




Do you have any guides on incorporating javascript libraries into the angular version of aspnetzero?



We have successfully configured OpenId Connect using Azure B2C. Wehad the same issues as described in this post

The question I have is how to make this work in the multi tenanted environment. Each tenant will have their own B2C directory. Can you provide direction on this?


This has been solved

I have the same poblem.

Was the final configration for this that was successful?


have configured the settings as below. The OpenId connect button appears on the login screen but nothing happens. (I replaced the values in the json..).

No errors in the console, no messages in the Audit log. The login button just seems to have a link to /Account/Login#

"OpenId": {
  "IsEnabled": "true",
  "Authority": "https://[TenantName][TenantID]/b2c_1_signin/v2.0/",
  "LoginUrl": "https://[TenantName][TenantName]",
  "ClientId": "[ClientId]",
  "ClientSecret": "[ClientSecret]",
  "ValidateIssuer": "false",
  "ClaimsMapping": [
      "claim": "",
      "key": ""


Any pointers on the steps to implement KTWizard in the Angular Version. I have found the wizard.js in the assets but am unclear on the next steps.




I have added custom authorization policies to the startup.cs. They work for the MVC controllers but not the API controllers. Where SHould I configure these so that they work for both?

Ver 8.1 Angular .Net Core

        services.AddAuthorization(options =>
            options.AddPolicy("ViewById", policy => policy.Requirements.Add(new SyntaqAuthorizationRequirement("View", "Id")));
            options.AddPolicy("EditById", policy => policy.Requirements.Add(new SyntaqAuthorizationRequirement("Edit", "Id")));
            options.AddPolicy("DeleteById", policy => policy.Requirements.Add(new SyntaqAuthorizationRequirement("Delete", "Id")));

            options.AddPolicy("ViewByOriginalId", policy => policy.Requirements.Add(new SyntaqAuthorizationRequirement("View", "IdOriginal")));
            options.AddPolicy("EditByOriginalId", policy => policy.Requirements.Add(new SyntaqAuthorizationRequirement("Edit", "IdOriginal")));
            options.AddPolicy("DeleteByOriginalId", policy => policy.Requirements.Add(new SyntaqAuthorizationRequirement("Delete", "IdOriginal")));




Showing 51 to 60 of 66 entries