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Activities of "admin@SYNTAQ"

Can you provide any guidance on integration with Azure Active Directory B2C and AspNetZero.

I understand you will not havea solution out of the bag but some pointers could save many hours.


Do you have more information or guides on setting up Azure AD.

Namely the

"Authority": "", "ClientId": "", "ClientSecret": "",


On reading you documentation I understand that the AD integration is intended for single tenancy model. However one of our tenants requires AD integration, in our model we do not have the option of deploying a dedicated single tenant implementaion just for this client.

There is an existing artcle on your support site that mentions "By default, you can use LDAP is single tenant mode but it is possible to use it multi-tenant mode if you would like to by changing a few lines of code." Article

Can you provide some information on what these lines of code are. And in general how to approach our use case?


Is there an existing library in ASPNETZero for viewing filetypes such as Pdfs or word Documents in browser, or can you recommend a library that might do this?

Also, is there a library to view images in a gallery or similar?



User Id 3 is hardwired (but is the user with the subscription to this notification). The notification shows to user 3 if the page is refreshed

        var userIds = new List<UserIdentifier>();
        userIds.Add(new UserIdentifier(null, 3));

        var messagecontent = "Test";
        var message = new MessageNotificationData($"Item Updated. {messagecontent}");

        await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(
            new EntityIdentifier(typeof(TeamScheduleItem), 
            userIds: userIds.ToArray()

I have successfully implemented a notification for a custom Entity using the subscription model . The notification shows to the user when the page is refreshed. However I want the notification to be delivered realtime and are not sure of how to proceed. Can you advise the steps I am missing?

I have tried everthing as discussed in this article


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