I have configured Sendgrid SMTP Account and updated the Email settings in AspNetZero as follows: SMTP Host: smtp.sendgrid.net SMTP Port: 587 Use SSL: False Username: {{My SMTP Username}} Password: {{My Password}}
When I try to send test mail to my email address, I get a notification that mail was sent successfully but I don't receive any email. Am I doing something wrong?
Hi aaron,
What could be the other possible way to achieve this result? I don't have the Bearer token in the header.
I have the following code to read the Abp.AuthToken cookie from Request:
var context = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
// Getting auth token from cookies as this request is coming from Shopify instead of my app
var authToken = context.Request.Cookies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Key == "Abp.AuthToken");
This code works perfect on development but on Production, authToken.Value is empty. I verified that the cookie is visible in dev tools but not transfered.
How can I show loader when an HTTP call is made and hide when the call is completed?
In general case, I have an ApiBaseService class which is inherited by other ApiServices and the loading implementation is written in ApiBaseService. But in AspNetZero, api calls are made using auto-generated proxy service class. How can I show a common loader?
Hi @aaron,
I tried this solution but CreatorUserId and TenantId are still saved NULL in the database.
I am using saving a FullyAuditedEntity as:
var spotifyChannel = new UserSalesChannel()
AccessToken = accessToken,
ChannelName = SalesChannelConst.Shopify,
ChannelDomain = shop
and the function is decorated with [UnitOfWork]. When I check database, the audited columns(creatorUserId etc) are null.
I am calling this function as:
using (_session.Use(tenantId.ToInt(), userId.ToInt()))
await _shopifyManager.ValidateAndInstallHook(shop, code);
here tenantId is 2 and userId is 4. All the values are valid and AbpSession reflects correct values.
Hi @pay365,
Install dotnet core 2.0 from here: [ <a class="postlink" href="https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#windowscmd">https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#windowscmd</a> ])
Yup. That's correct :) Use exact 4.2.0-rc.1
Also, after redirection to my app, the Abp cookies and headers are still present in Request.
Hi @ismcagdas,
On my angular app, I am redirecting the user external url as
window.location.href = externalUrl;
On the external page, there is a button to accept the agreement, which calls my app back. On debug, I found that ApbSession.UserId is null along with most of the properties in AbpSession. If I use [AbpAuthorize] on top of method, I get Authentication error when redirecting to my app.