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Activities of "aldfrance"


Finally I made it work. I had to delete the _Bundles folder before recreate them.

Thanks a lot

Hello, Thank you for your answer. Changing the gulpfile.js resolved the image and fonts issue. The upgrade of abp-web-resources to 5.2 did not resolve the getCurrentLoginInformations issue. I still have the same behavior abp.appPath is overloaded with value '/'

Thank you Regards


I have abp.appPath properly set. Most of the urls are ok but getCurrentLoginInformations is still KO

the flag image in css is referenced without appPath as you can see

The fonts also are ko

I have set breakpoints in javascript where abp.appPath is set andd it seems when GetAll action executes and get the scripts from the server side, abp.appPath is lost and defaulted to '/'. then the call to getCurrentLoginInformations is done with the wrong url see screen caps below.

Login.cshtml: appPath is set to 'ParkManagement'

AbpServiceProxies/GetALL abp.appPath is '/' instead of 'ParkManagement'

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