Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "alirizaadiyahsi"


Send your project(<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>) and then we take a look to understand what is the problem. (Before send, could you remove bin,obj and packages folders to reduce file size)


Which browser are you using? Could you clear browser cache and try again?


Tests are using fake datas that is not releated with application DB. So you should add test data, first. In tests project, there are example usages (TestDataBuilder.cs) how to add data and retrieve them.


Of course you can. Did you try it? Are you getting any errors?

There are examples of this in MVC project. For example; TenantRegistrationAppService is fully open for anonymous users. Also you can create unauthorized methods in authorized app services.

All client apps can use/share ApplicationServices.



Only ASP.NET Zero Core has these features. Check following conversation: #3405


There is no built-in solution for using aspnet-zero mvc 5 with angular4. If you want to use angular4 with mvc5 you should develop it yourself.


Actually no need a detailed documentation. When you enter download page, you can select project types. Project type names already shown in dropdownlist and also you can select .net framework that you want to download.


Check this issue: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>



Your first post; browse http://localhost:22742/swagger/ to see swagger.


Before run public site, you should run mvc first to seed data.

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