Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "alirizaadiyahsi"

You are wellcome.


It is good suggestion for us. We will consider this advice. Thanks...


There is no elegant way to do this yet. You should do it manually with using some porcess.

May be you can check following topics: #2709 #3223


Aspnet zero is using ABP Framework that is an open source project. You can download and look its code. Here is the source: Aspnet Boilerplate Framework


There is no built-in solution for this. May be you can create a tenant per user. Or with a more difficult way: you should develop your own logic for this.

I think, it is a stable way to do this for this design.


If you send usernames to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>, we will add them.


Actually there is no a built-in solution for this. But may be you can try to set timer in DoWork method by a datetime condition I mean something like following:

Timer.Period = now == day ? "1 minute" : "15 minutes";



I provided a link to check changes. Just remove following block (at the end of the angular/src/assets/metronic/admin/layout4/scripts/layout.js)

if (App.isAngularJsApp() === false) {
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