We want to move our background job process to windows service. In web application, we will let user able to enqueue a job, but all the execution process will move to a windows service. What modules will i need and how to initialize them in windows service?
Can application service receive file type input?
Do you mind to explain why my unit test need a transactional? why lack of transactional will cause me this error?
public class LookUpTableService_Tests : AppTestBase
private readonly ILookUpTableService _lookUpTableService;
private readonly IRepository<LookUpTable, Guid> _repositoryLookUpTable;
private readonly IRepository<LookUpTableLine, Guid> _repositoryLookUpTableLine;
public LookUpTableService_Tests()
_lookUpTableService = Resolve<ILookUpTableService>();
_repositoryLookUpTable = Resolve<IRepository<LookUpTable, Guid>>();
_repositoryLookUpTableLine = Resolve<IRepository<LookUpTableLine, Guid>>();
public async Task Test_GetValue()
await UsingDbContext(async context =>
LookUpTable lookUpTable = new LookUpTable();
lookUpTable.Name = "1";
lookUpTable.Active = true;
await _repositoryLookUpTable.InsertAsync(lookUpTable);
LookUpTableLine line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 1;
line.Value = 10;
line.Description = 1.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 2;
line.Value = 20;
line.Description = 2.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 3;
line.Value = 30;
line.Description = 3.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 4;
line.Value = 40;
line.Description = 4.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 5;
line.Value = 50;
line.Description = 5.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
lookUpTable = new LookUpTable();
lookUpTable.Name = "2";
lookUpTable.Active = true;
await _repositoryLookUpTable.InsertAsync(lookUpTable);
line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 6;
line.Value = 60;
line.Description = 6.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 7;
line.Value = 70;
line.Description = 7.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 8;
line.Value = 80;
line.Description = 8.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 9;
line.Value = 90;
line.Description = 9.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
line = new LookUpTableLine();
line.LookUpTableId = lookUpTable.Id;
line.LookUpValue = 10;
line.Value = 100;
line.Description = 10.ToString();
await _repositoryLookUpTableLine.InsertAsync(line);
lookUpTable = _repositoryLookUpTable.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "1");
Assert.Equal(4, _lookUpTableService.GetValue(lookUpTable, (decimal)4.5)); //Error on GetValue
lookUpTable = _repositoryLookUpTable.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "2");
Assert.Equal(0, _lookUpTableService.GetValue(lookUpTable, (decimal)4.5));
Assert.Equal(10, _lookUpTableService.GetValue(lookUpTable, 14));
catch(Exception ex)
throw ex;
GetValue code
public decimal GetValue(LookUpTable lookUpTable, decimal lookUpValue)
LookUpTableLine line = RepositoryLookUpTableLine.GetAll().Where(m => m.LookUpTable == lookUpTable && m.LookUpValue < lookUpValue).OrderByDescending(m => m.LookUpValue).FirstOrDefault();
if (line == null)
return 0;
return line.Value;
Error Message: The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed. Stack Trace: at System.Data.Entity.Internal.LazyInternalContext.InitializeContext() at System.Data.Entity.Internal.Linq.DbQueryProvider.Execute[TResult](Expression expression) at System.Linq.Queryable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IQueryable`1 source) at Nascence.HaermesCLX.DomainServices.Class.LookUpTableService.GetValue(LookUpTable lookUpTable, Decimal lookUpValue) in C:\Development\CLxCoreApp\Nascence.HaermesCLX.Core\DomainServices\Class\LookUpTableService.cs:line 29 at Nascence.HaermesCLX.Tests.DomainServices.LookUpTableService_Tests.<<Test_GetValue>b__4_0>d.MoveNext() in C:\Development\CLxCoreApp\Tests\Nascence.HaermesCLX.Tests\DomainServices\LookUpTableService_Tests.cs:line 101
Is there anything wrong with my code? why it keep getting this error? i tried to change it to non-awaitable.. still got same error
Am I allowed to access other domain service method in a domain service's method?
I ran all unit test from aspnetzero project. Why always got some unit tests failed. Failed Test are randomly occur and if I run again those failed tests, they will pass.
Result Message: System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.CommitFailedException : An error was reported while committing a database transaction but it could not be determined whether the transaction succeeded or failed on the database server. See the inner exception and <a class="postlink" href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=313468">http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=313468</a> for more information. ---- System.Transactions.TransactionAbortedException : The transaction has aborted. -------- System.TimeoutException : Transaction Timeout
Is there anyway to automate the creation process of AppPermissions? Is there any particular reason to put AppAuthorizationProvider in .Core level? I intended to create AppPermissions for all Application Service, but I cannot use reflection as the AppAuthorizationProvider is in .Core level while all services are in .Application level