Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "andis"


Thanks for creating sample code for me..

Can I know, how aspnetboilerplate setting up my application service? include their interceptor, I wonder if I can find these code in this solution? <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

Yes, I mean Castle Dynamic Proxy, can you give me aspboilerplate code where setting these service up? I am trying to understand it more

How aspnetboilerplate create Proxied Application Service? I need to create it in the same way so they can have similar behaviour

protected abstract void DoJob();
        public override void Execute(T args)
            UserEnqueuedJob userEnqueuedJob = UserEnqueuedJobRepository.Get(args.UserEnqueuedJobId);
            userEnqueuedJob.Status = Entity.Enum.JobStatus.Executing;
                userEnqueuedJob.Status = Entity.Enum.JobStatus.Executed;

Can I create a new UnitOfWork to set UserEnqueuedJob status to Executing?

Since ABP have no such feature, I wish to implement it myself by creating an Entity[TenantId, UserId, Log, JobId] to log those processes. I wish to link the created object with the enqueued job(JobId property) but BackgroundJobManager.Enqueu() method was not returning enqueued job(return type is void), any advice to get the enqueued job?

When resolving dependency, is IRepository<Entity, IdType) also inherit from EfRepositoryBase? if yes, then i can just cast it to this Type and get Context property instead re-implementing whole class

Create, SaveChanges and GetId() step is exactly what i tested before submit this ticket. But it seems EF has cached the created object, that's why in solution suggest me to detach it first and find it again..

Ok, I'll try your CustomRepository Solution

Do you mind to explain why my unit test need a transactional? why lack of transactional will cause me this error?

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