I test and I send my feedback, also check if I can change to join in LINQ
this is the full code
private void CreateDefaultTemplate()
var tenants = _context.Tenants.ToList();
var allFeature = _context.TenantFeatureSettings.ToList();
foreach (var tenant in tenants)
foreach (var featureSetting in allFeature.Where(t=> t.TenantId == tenant.Id).ToList() )
foreach (var template in InitialTemplates)
if (featureSetting.Name == template.ApplicationName)
template.TenantId = tenant.Id;
I use version ui-grid - v3.2.9
but is strnage because it's happen in some case not always. I define column in js like other grind in app angular class and add data on init method calling a webapi in success return. so is posssibile the problme i releted to success()( insted of then()?
to solve this issue I use this code
if (abp.localization.currentLanguage.name !== moment.locale()) {
in a ui-grid I don't have anything of strange { name: abp.localization.tmk('HolidayStart'), field: 'holiday.from', cellFilter: 'momentFormat:'llll'', width: '*' },
and is in english format
in a modal I do the same fix with code on second row of js
if you user Redis try to empty redis cache.
Thank for your replay @hikalkan.
Ok I need to change my approch and use IOC from manager without do it on static class.
I try to create a new directive but I get this error on the production enviroment.
I create a file in App/common/driective/draggable.js
js?v=RTs-jMDzy1oFTjfGGE0IY6oLP7brKVmncyDjZJ5wE9k1:1454 Error: [$injector:unpr] <a class="postlink" href="http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.0/$injector/unpr?p0=nProvider%20%3C-%20n%20%3C-%20draggableDirective">http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.0/$inje ... eDirective</a>
Any idea to solve it?
Ok, I found the issue/solution.
about check box the issue is related to jquery-uniform, I need to copy images folder on /Bundles/App and I solve it!
I try to make a similar oparation (without tenant) but I catch "the not logged in expection [CurrentUserDidNotLoginToTheApplication]" in angular becuse at startup the app call appModule.factory('appSession' ...
abp.services.app.session.getCurrentLoginInformations // get error
How can I prevent this error?
The Idea is to use same anugular app, if is it possibile, for anonymous and logged user mat