Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "andmattia"


I try to get the list of user in a role with this code but not work

var roleGlobal = await _roleManager.Roles.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == StaticRoleNames.Tenants.Manager);
            var users = await UserManager.Users.Where(
                t => t.Roles.All(q => q.RoleId == roleGlobal.Id && q.UserId == t.Id)).ToListAsync();

this is the full code

private void CreateDefaultTemplate()
            var tenants = _context.Tenants.ToList();
            var allFeature = _context.TenantFeatureSettings.ToList();

            foreach (var tenant in tenants)
                foreach (var featureSetting in allFeature.Where(t=> t.TenantId == tenant.Id).ToList() )
                    foreach (var template in InitialTemplates)
                        if (featureSetting.Name == template.ApplicationName)
                            template.TenantId = tenant.Id;

I try to add some static data on Seed method but I want to add row only if a feature is enable. I try but I not find how can get feature from database if i call

var featureSetting in allFeature.Where(t=> t.TenantId == tenant.Id).ToList()

it's always empty

I use version ui-grid - v3.2.9

but is strnage because it's happen in some case not always. I define column in js like other grind in app angular class and add data on init method calling a webapi in success return. so is posssibile the problme i releted to success()( insted of then()?


to solve this issue I use this code

if ( !== moment.locale()) {

in a ui-grid I don't have anything of strange { name: abp.localization.tmk('HolidayStart'), field: 'holiday.from', cellFilter: 'momentFormat:'llll'', width: '*' },

and is in english format

in a modal I do the same fix with code on second row of js



I a grid view in some case the render show only a subset off column until a do resize event. Any idea?



if you user Redis try to empty redis cache.


Thank for your replay @hikalkan.

Ok I need to change my approch and use IOC from manager without do it on static class.


I have a strange situation.

I a page with ui-grid I see that the column header will be localized in correct way but date inside page not. I make an example: page are setted in italian 1 load page show my header in intlian but row show me date in English (I check that abp language var are in italian) 2 load i do with f5 row are localized in italian

I see a similar issue on a pop up when I inject agular-datetime-picker via oclazyload and i solve put on 1st row


I think depend off some angular problem but I'm not sure any idea or similar issue? mat

Is possible to access to a entity (via manager) in a static class?

I have a method and I make a static extension if I want to give data from data base is possibile to do that? How?


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