I migrate from AngualrJs to Core and now we start to convert code to TypeScript (3.8.3). I need to copy on node_module@types a folder abp with abp.d.ts ranamend as index.d.ts.
I check if exsist a NPM type name but I don't find it, is it correct?
Any suggestion to use D.TS for Abp
I've create a custom Interface and I try to register via Windsor but work fine for a lot of class reather then BackGroundJob. Below the code that I use
public class ImportJob : BackgroundJob<ImportJogArgs>, ITransientDependency, IExposedJob
public UserManager UserManager { get; set; }
public class ExsposedJobConventionalRegistrar : IConventionalDependencyRegistrar
public void RegisterAssembly(IConventionalRegistrationContext context)
.If(type => !type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericTypeDefinition)
// On module pre init
Component.For<IExposedJob, ImportJob>().ImplementedBy<ImportJob>()
I try to change from base class BackgroundJob to anithing else and works fine.
I had a custom interface to register on Windsor but not work.
I add this interface to BackGroudJob
public interface IExposedJob{
public class Job1Job : BackgroundJob<Job1Args>, IExposedJob, ITransientDependency
// Manual WORK
Component.For<IExposedJob, Job1>().ImplementedBy<Job1>(),
Component.For<IExposedJob, Job2>().ImplementedBy<Job2>()
// Auto not WORK
.If(type => !type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericTypeDefinition)
I move from .Net to .NETCore soultion. My application is divided in some module with this structure base.Core base.Application base.EF base.WebApi base.Web (dependen on module1.web)
module1.Core module1.Application module1.EF module1.WebApi module1.Web
.ForAll<IApplicationService>(typeof(module1).Assembly, "module1")
I change on module.WebApi the name of API, So How and where I need to modify to achive the same result?
I try to use access to prev state of an enity before save on db. I use UpdatingEvent via EventBus, but on event the state of item is already changed. I try to re read from DB via UnitOfWork Manger but i get the same value. How can access to the prev state?
using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(new UnitOfWorkOptions
Scope = TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew,
IsTransactional = true,
IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted
if (outerUow != null)
oldEntity = _entityRepository
// if change RequiresNew to Suppress I get a timeout from Database
We refact all code where use AutoMapper.Map with ObjectMapper.Map, so we have some CustomDto, registered via CustomDtoMapper that use AutoMapper.Map or Abp MapTo Extension.
The first option is map all properties one by one but is there a way to use a map to do that?
For example suppose to have Cusotmer & CustomerDto, this is mapped via CustomDto, and you add OrderDataDto with a property Customer type CustomerDto in this context we use cutomerBase.MapTo<CustomerDto>()
We have a large solution based on Zero and we plan to upgradre to NetCore in next months so now the question is:
I read this post on github Upgrade AutoMapper to version 9 where @hikalkan talk about free license...but not found anithing related on that. Can you give more datails?
I move my multi DbContext from AbpDbContext to AbpZeroDbContext<T,R,U> and work fine because I use different class name for each Tenant,Role and User. So now I try to use a OrganizationUnit in 2 dbContext but I cann't do it because AbpZeroCommonDbContext<TRole, TUser> has define
public virtual IDbSet<OrganizationUnit> OrganizationUnits { get; set; }
I cann't override with different name.. Any way to solve it?
My suggestion is to move OrganizationUnit to TOrganizationUnit so pepole che use in multi DB context without problem