We are in migration of MVC / AngularJs ANZ solution.
So our solution is diveded in many sub project (Core/app/EF) foreach part off logical module to have a more efficient sapartion off code. Right now we need to understand how to use more EF (one per each module) any experience on this kind off solution/option ?
so we use some other tools like Telerik, Infragistics or other, is it possibile customize RAD tools to use our specific component? and destination folder?
today I look inside the lastest version (core & js). So some months ago about feauture in 2 enviroment I understood that JS app not support new feauter but DLL (core, application) still have all function but for example GDPR in version 6.1 exists only on Core and not in MVC.
This approch is the new road map?
very good job to develop you custom support site. Has you plan to relase the cose on aspnetzero (private) repository?
I create an error on github(deleted) but I think is more correct report here, so this is issue description
I install the new VS pluing (VS 2017 15.5.5 with R#) and I give this error message Couldn't load information on your Asp.NetZero Based Project => Config File not found
I give the same message on my solution and if I start from blank new project
-- UPDATE I check the plugin and I found that in root folder not exist AspNetZeroRadTool\config.json
-- UPDATE 2 So now the file json with entity definition will be created after generate button but nothing happen. no error logged...
--UPDATE 3 ok I think the problem is that when invoke CMD I don't have the AspNetZeroRadTool.dll and process crash.
I try to create a new module and I need to localize some label came out fomr my module.
I have a core1 DLL with localization wiht lable "labelName" "lableSurname"
I have a core2 DLL with localization wiht lable "labelArticle" "lableDescr"
Inside the destination module I need to call ILocalizationManager LocalizationManager { get; set; }
at the moment the only way that I have to solve this task is declare on caller
public ILocalizationManager LocalizationManager { get; set; }
and pass it to constructor but i'm not sure is the best/correct/onlt way to do it.
Is this the only way?
I start to write my test class and I reference my module by adding a dependency on test module.
So I have this issue in my module on PostInitialize() I need to call Database and I user
var a = AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => p.GetByIdAsync(1));
But when test start it fails on this row...
I'm very new to test (xunit) any suggestion?
So is possibile to test Angular service class in the same way? mat
I try to move Hangfire(HF in rest of post) to service because I think in a Cluser eviroment it's more stable and scalable but I find some issue.
The step that I do is: disable on web module the HF
//Configuration.BackgroundJobs.UseHangfire(configuration =>
// {
// configuration.GlobalConfiguration.UseSqlServerStorage(queueName);
// });
After that in web proj I have a problem on Startup.cs beacuse at
app.UseHangfireDashboard("/hangfire", new DashboardOptions
Authorization = new[] { new AbpHangfireAuthorizationFilter(AppPermissions.Pages_Administration_HangfireDashboard) }
HangFire is not enable
My service is composed by (I share my code)
public class AbpHangFireService : AbpModule
public override void PreInitialize()
var queueName = "Default";
Configuration.BackgroundJobs.UseHangfire(configuration =>
(IGlobalConfiguration) configuration.GlobalConfiguration, queueName);
public override void Initialize()
and in service class
private readonly AbpBootstrapper bootstrapper;
public Service1()
bootstrapper = AbpBootstrapper.Create<AbpHangFireService>();
.AddFacility<LoggingFacility>(f => f.UseAbpLog4Net()
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
protected override void OnStop()
So my service start en log on txt file but if i dsable in web app I see only server on service if I re-enable it I see 2 sever app&service also if i disable in web app I cann't open dashboard is it possibile to bind web app to HF service. and If backgorundjob start on my service where service search dll (like core) in service bin or app bin?
Hi try to delete/reste a user setting await SettingManager.ChangeSettingForUserAsync(userIdentifier, "ipAll", "*");
"*" is the deafault value for tenat but if I do that i create a * for user not remove. I need to set to equal value for tentat?
I try to create a class T where I need to use a type T
public class ExcelExporter<T> : EpPlusExcelExporterBase, ITransientDependency
public abstract class EpPlusExcelExporterBase
private ILocalizationSource _localizationSource;
public IAppFolders AppFolders { get; set; }
public ILocalizationManager LocalizationManager { get; set; }
public class CustomerExcelExporter : ITransientDependency, ICustomerExcelExporter
private ILocalizationSource _localizationSource;
public IAppFolders AppFolders { get; set; }
public ILocalizationManager LocalizationManager { get; set; }
public CustomerExcelExporter()
If I try to access to IAppFolder in base class it's empty I need to fill "manualy" in this way
var a = new ExcelExporter<Customer>(proj.LocalizationSourceName,
OutputFileName = "Excel",
OutputFileExtension = "xlsx",
WorkSheetName = "Customer"
It's work but I think i miss something or something is wrong is it correct?
I try to get the list of user in a role with this code but not work
var roleGlobal = await _roleManager.Roles.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == StaticRoleNames.Tenants.Manager);
var users = await UserManager.Users.Where(
t => t.Roles.All(q => q.RoleId == roleGlobal.Id && q.UserId == t.Id)).ToListAsync();