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Activities of "antonis"

I run

C:\Temp\netcoreapp1.1>dotnet MyApp.Migrator.dll

and I get following error

Error: assembly specified in the dependencies manifest was not found -- package: 'abp.automapper', version: '2.0.1', path: 'lib/netstandard1.6/Abp.AutoMapper.dll'

Thank you for the reply.

I set my startup project to .Migrator build then I got to the Release folder of the Migrator project and I only see dlls. no Exe files


Trying to deploy on production and Migrator tool does not produce a console exe files but rather only dlls


How can I replace ABP's busy javascript implementation?


Actually just noticed that if you see the spinner that I attached before and the one you suggested change they are not the same. This is not the spinner that is used in page loading..


I changed from loading-spinner-grey to loading-spinner-blue clean browser cache and I still see the grey one.


The link you sent me is for core-server not client. Are there any instructions on how to perform minification on angular 2?


I am using VS Code not VS


And of course the loader is not changed

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