Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "attspacecom"

you can click on submenus under "Administrator" and other submenus. you can see the differences.

Hi @ismcagdas,

can help check here please.

`@NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ { path: 'app', component: AppComponent, canActivate: [AppRouteGuard], canActivateChild: [AppRouteGuard], children: [ { path: '', children: [ { path: 'notifications', component: NotificationsComponent }, { path: '', redirectTo: '/app/main/dashboard', pathMatch: 'full' }, ], }, { path: 'main', loadChildren: () => import('app/main/main.module').then((m) => m.MainModule), //Lazy load main module data: { preload: true }, canLoad: [AppRouteGuard],

                    path: 'admin',
                    loadChildren: () => import('app/admin/admin.module').then((m) => m.AdminModule), //Lazy load admin module
                    data: { preload: true },
                    canLoad: [AppRouteGuard],
                    path: '**',
                    redirectTo: 'notifications',
exports: [RouterModule],

}) export class AppRoutingModule { constructor(private router: Router, private spinnerService: NgxSpinnerService) { => { if (event instanceof NavigationStart) {; }

        if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
            document.querySelector('meta[property=og\\:url').setAttribute('content', window.location.href);


this is app-routing.module.ts

here need to modify anything?

Hello ismcagdas,

i've uploaded related files into google drive. please take a look . need reply asap please .

  1. tab folder - multi tab handling
  2. side-bar menu html and ts - here implemented onclick function ( this will call the component inside tab folder )
  3. i've uploaded the video as well .

Urgent please !

and if i click the side bar menu under "Administrator" then there is no issue. which is under admin.routing.module.ts. if i click the side bar menu ( the one i created using powertools) , this is replacing the previous tab route as well which is under app.routing.module.ts i think.

i've modified the multi tabs for angular. but now having one issue . When adding the new tab , the previous / current tab also rerouting to the new url . can help on this? do i need to provide anything ? URGENT !

advice on this please


Probably I couldn't understand the question bery well but if you want to grant permisison for a specific user, you can use _context.UserPermissions and insert necessary permisison.

I dont want to grant permission for a specific user.

I want to grant permission for a specific ROLE. i want to do this in Seed function. Can guide me on this?

Help on this asap please. Thank you

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