I have added french as a language , but in the home page i cannot see the french language in the drop down. but if i login it shows french in drop down list can you tell me why it does not show before logging in.
Regards Anwar
I need to increase font size and change font colour is there a global setting for this or do i need to do it on the styles.css in metronic.
Regards Anwar
How do i check what roles the current user has been assigned.
regards Anwar
i have sent you a email with project files, could not upload the complete project but the code where i made the changes i have sent
Regards Anwar
I have uploaded only the Application folder where i have updated the UpdateProfilePicture in the profileAppService
and in the courselevels in the web to add the code for uploading using the profileAppService.
As the project size is over 150MB unable to load to gmail. it says it will write to gmail drive,
Regards Anwar
Please respond to the error JSON
No Brother
i changed the name to UploadProfilePicture1 but the same error UploadProfilePicture1 is a copy of UploadProfilePicture.
So if it would call UploadProfilePicture it should have still worked,
the error is what i attached image earlier.
'This request has been blocked because sensitive information could be disclosed to third party web sites when this is used in a GET request. To allow GET requests, set JsonRequestBehavior to AllowGet.'
Exactly the same process as profilepicturechange, but here is the code
vm.uploader = new fileUploader({ url: abp.appPath + 'Profile/UploadProfilePicture', headers: { "X-XSRF-TOKEN": abp.security.antiForgery.getToken() }, queueLimit: 1, autoUpload: true, removeAfterUpload: true, filters: [{ name: 'imageFilter', fn: function (item, options) { //File type check var type = '|' + item.type.slice(item.type.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '|'; if ('|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|'.indexOf(type) === -1) { abp.message.warn(app.localize('ProfilePicture_Warn_FileType')); return false; }
//File size check
if (item.size > 1048576) //1MB
return false;
return true;
vm.uploader.onSuccessItem = function (fileItem, response, status, headers) {
if (response.success) {
var $profilePictureResize = $('#ProfilePictureResize');
vm.courselevels.image = vm.uploadedFileName;
var newCanvasHeight = response.result.height * $profilePictureResize.width() / response.result.width;
$profilePictureResize.height(newCanvasHeight + 'px');
var profileFilePath = abp.appPath + 'Temp/Downloads/' + response.result.fileName + '?v=' + new Date().valueOf();
vm.uploadedFileName = fileItem.file.name;
// if ($jcropImage) {
// $jcropImage.data('Jcrop').destroy();
// }
$profilePictureResize.attr('src', profileFilePath);