And it will work just fine with ASPNET0 as if I am using Linq To SQL queries (result mapped to objects, etc.) ? how about tracking to edit and save, etc. ? Will this still work?
Thanks :)
Is there a plan to provide a Forum/Blog module for the public website with backend management? If not, do you recommend any open-source Forum/Blog that I can integrate with ASPNETZERO?
Thanks Ismail. Where would I add this code? I shall change in the boilerplate code and build it? Or override this method in the application specific Db Context?
Hi, I have a bit complex query that I know how to write in SQL but not in LINQ-To-SQL.
Can I use the DbSset.FromSql() method to execute Raw SQL in a custom repository? (ASP.NET Core / Angular 2).
I dunno if you can help with the linq-to-sql.
I have the following setup:
OU (Region) with Parent Null OU (Camp) with Parent OU Region
This could be repeated many times in a sense I will have many regions and many camps within. (2 level only)
I have an entity that needs to store the OU Id.
Upon creation of this new entity, if the entity belongs to a region only, then OU (Region) Id is stored on the entity. If however, this entity belongs to an OU (Region) and OU (Camp), then the OU (Camp) Id is stored on the entity.
A user would have access (belongs) to OUs. if he belongs to an OU (Region) he/she can see all entities created within the O?OU (Region) and OU(Camp)s within the region. If he/she has access to a OU (Camp) only, he/she can see entities created in that OU (Camp) only.
Here's the SQL Query (entity in this case Blog Post). Can it be done in LINQ? Otherwise, can I use FromSql() method?
DECLARE @code NVARCHAR(100) = '00001%'
DECLARE @user INT = 1;
WITH UserOus(OuId) AS
[AbpUserOrganizationUnits] AS [ous]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [ou] ON [ou].Id = [ous].OrganizationUnitId
WHERE [ous].UserId = @user
SELECT [bp].[Id], [bp].[Title], [bp].[OrganizationUnitId]
FROM [BlgPosts] AS [bp]
INNER JOIN [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [ou] ON [bp].[OrganizationUnitId] =[ou].[Id]
INNER JOIN [UserOus] AS [uous] ON [ou].ParentId = [uous].[OuId] OR [ou].[Id] = [uous].OuId
SELECT TOP (1000) [Id]
FROM [MainApp].[dbo].[AbpOrganizationUnits]
SELECT TOP (1000) [Id]
FROM [MainApp].[dbo].[BlgPosts]
SELECT TOP (1000) [Id]
FROM [MainApp].[dbo].[AbpUserOrganizationUnits]
So based on the SignInToken, the public website generate a valid ASP.NET Authentication Ticket based on the value contained in SignInToken?
True. But you mentioned I can use OU so I'm explaining what I'm after and seeking your assistance to know if OU can help in this scenario.
Do you think I can use OU given my requirements?
Thanks a lot.
In fact I need to auto generate a field to be the Entity Full Name. So I thought of doing it similar to those interfaces you have in the framework that adds CreatedOn, CrratedBy etc. How shall I proceed?
Great. CN you show me source code where you add that unique key and how the public website retrieves them? *I appreciate it