Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "buddhit"

Hi there

thank you for that, however, we have already started our project, How can we apply changes you have made without losing our work?

Regards Buddhi

Yes it is all good after downloading V5.0.2 Thank you guys

I was on V5.0.0. Now I downloaded V5.0.2 it is working fine. Thank you guys.


We recently purchased a key to the boilerplate and once we downloaded and installed all of the files whenever we go to load the API up we encounter a NullExceptionError being passed into

var subscriptionExpiredTenants

I believe this is where the subscriptions information is passed in from the tenant information and as it's factory settings I'm not sure why it's occurring, for the meantime we can get around it by commenting out as shown below but this is not ideal. Any ideas guys?

protected override void DoWork()
            var utcNow = Clock.Now.ToUniversalTime();
            var failedTenancyNames = new List<string>();
            var subscriptionExpiredTenants = _tenantRepository.GetAllList(
                tenant => tenant.SubscriptionEndDateUtc != null &&
                          tenant.SubscriptionEndDateUtc <= utcNow &&
                          tenant.IsActive &&
                          tenant.EditionId != null

            foreach (var tenant in subscriptionExpiredTenants)


                    var edition = _editionRepository.Get(tenant.EditionId.Value);

                    Debug.Assert(tenant.SubscriptionEndDateUtc != null, "tenant.SubscriptionEndDateUtc != null");

                    if (tenant.SubscriptionEndDateUtc.Value.AddDays(edition.WaitingDayAfterExpire ?? 0) >= utcNow)
                        //Tenant is in waiting days after expire TODO: It's better to filter such entities while querying from repository!

                    var endSubscriptionResult = AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => _tenantManager.EndSubscriptionAsync(tenant, edition, utcNow));

                    if (endSubscriptionResult == EndSubscriptionResult.TenantSetInActive)
                        _userEmailer.TryToSendSubscriptionExpireEmail(tenant.Id, utcNow);
                    else if (endSubscriptionResult == EndSubscriptionResult.AssignedToAnotherEdition)
                        AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => _userEmailer.TryToSendSubscriptionAssignedToAnotherEmail(tenant.Id, utcNow, edition.ExpiringEditionId.Value));
                catch (Exception exception)
                    Logger.Error($"Subscription of tenant {tenant.TenancyName} has been expired but tenant couldn't be made passive !");
                    Logger.Error(exception.Message, exception);
            } */

            if (!failedTenancyNames.Any())

            _userEmailer.TryToSendFailedSubscriptionTerminationsEmail(failedTenancyNames, utcNow);

Hi There I am trying to run app I downloaded without modifying and when run angular app, I got following error.

Uncaught Error: Unexpected value 'AbpModule' imported by the module 'AppModule'. Please add a @NgModule annotation. at syntaxError (compiler.es5.js:1694) at eval (compiler.es5.js:15398) at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata (compiler.es5.js:15381) at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleSummary (compiler.es5.js:15323) at eval (compiler.es5.js:15396) at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata (compiler.es5.js:15381) at JitCompiler._loadModules (compiler.es5.js:26826) at JitCompiler._compileModuleAndComponents (compiler.es5.js:26799)

Clearly it is asking to import ngModel but not sure where that import needed. Thanks

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