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Activities of "csona"


I have configured SendGrid with ASP.Net zero in the following way

  • Commented this section in {MyProject}CoreModule.cs
 if (DebugHelper.IsDebug)
    //Disabling email sending in debug mode
    //Configuration.ReplaceService<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);
  • Implemented my own class derived from IEmailSender and configured in the following way
Configuration.ReplaceService<IEmailSender, SendGridEmailSender>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);

The code gets executed without any errors but emails are not getting sent as exptected. If I execute the same code outside in another test project then the eamils are sent.

Is there any step that I need to do? I could not find any specific documentation for this.

Thanks in advance.


Yes, it was an issue related to the SenGrid configuration and its resolved now.

Thanks for your help.


I have made the Clock.Provider as UTC in the application and can see the timezone setting for tenants/users. However when I set to a specific region, I am not able to see the values correctly in that locale (for ex, Login Attempts)? The values that are already in the database would be done with UnspecifiedClockProvider as per the documentation. So what would be the expected behavior here or are we missing any steps in the frontend?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @ismcagdas,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I don't believe we are using momentFormat pipe in angular pages. I'll check and get back to you shortly.

Meantime, Is there any link in zero/ boilerplate docuementation regarding this?

Thanks again.


While adding the dynamic parameters for some entities such as Abp.Organizations.OrganizationUnit, where can I add the dynamic parameters as there is no place to do it in the UI for Organization Units?

Are there any entities where dynamic parameters might not be applicable?

Thanks in advance.

What I'm trying to do

  • Each edition has a default tenant associated with it. This tenant can have some predefined users, roles, organizational units etc.
  • When a new tenant is created using this edition, it will copy the relevant items from the default tenant

Issue that I'm facing

  • In TenantManager.CreateWithAdminUserAsync, retrieve the role permissions using following statements
using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(defaultTenant.Id))
    var defaultTenantRolePermissions = await _roleManager.GetGrantedPermissionsAsync(defaultTenantRole);
  • While retrieving the permissions, following permissions are not returned from GetGrantedPermissionsAsync method Pages.Tenant.Dashboard Pages.Administration.Tenant.Settings

However, this method works fine for all other permissions. Is there anything missing or needs to be done differently?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, permissions in the source role are set correctly. But while retrieving those permissions using GetGrantedPermissionsAsync, only some of them are returned. Please find the database snapshots below

This behavior is consistent for all the permissions that are tenant-specific (i.e. defined with multiTenancySides: MultiTenancySides.Tenant). All the permissions common to both host and tenant are retrieved correctly from GetGrantedPermissionsAsync.

Following image shows the problem clearly

  • FullUser role (Role Id: 5) with defaulTenant (Tenant Id: 2) has 7 permissions in database.
  • While retrieving these permissions using RoleManager.GetGrantedPermissionsAsync, only 4 permissions are returned and the permission Pages.Tenant.Dashboard is not retrieved.

Can anybody please explain what is wrong with this or what am I missing? Thanks in advance.

Hi @ismcagdas,

Thank you for the reply. I have sent an email with required details as you have requested to [email protected]

  • Archived copy of source code
  • Database backup file
  • Steps describing the user actions and problem
  • Other relevant images

Please let me know if you need anything else from our side.

Thanks again.

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