Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "dashu"

ASP.NET Boilerplate can automatically generate ASP.NET Web API layer for my application layer.

Can I use [HttpRequestMessage Request] at my function of my application layer? how to use[HttpRequestMessage Request]at my function of my application layer?

How can I lock a table on read, using ABP


now the newest version of abp is v0.9.1.0 In the future what function when will be imported? Can you tell me the detailed Roadmap of abp?

I am using template I Run the application. I can login with admin and 123qwe first time but when I Run the application for the second time VS has a "There is no permission with name: Pages.Tenants" exception it seems that when startup the PreInitialize of CoreModule is not called Who knows what the reason is ?


does ABP have implementation of Optimistic Concurrency ?


if i implement IAuditingStore as myAuditingStore, SimpleLogAuditingStore will be overridden by myAuditingStore why SimpleLogAuditingStore be overridden? how it implemented? does DI have priority ?

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries