Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "dashu"


if i implement IAuditingStore as myAuditingStore, SimpleLogAuditingStore will be overridden by myAuditingStore why SimpleLogAuditingStore be overridden? how it implemented? does DI have priority ?


does ABP have implementation of Optimistic Concurrency ?

I am using template I Run the application. I can login with admin and 123qwe first time but when I Run the application for the second time VS has a "There is no permission with name: Pages.Tenants" exception it seems that when startup the PreInitialize of CoreModule is not called Who knows what the reason is ?


now the newest version of abp is v0.9.1.0 In the future what function when will be imported? Can you tell me the detailed Roadmap of abp?

How can I lock a table on read, using ABP

ASP.NET Boilerplate can automatically generate ASP.NET Web API layer for my application layer.

Can I use [HttpRequestMessage Request] at my function of my application layer? how to use[HttpRequestMessage Request]at my function of my application layer?

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