Hi @ismcagdas Thanks You di solution work fine. I'have add _abpsession.using in BackgroundJob how in example. Best Regards
Hello When i try to send email whit method SendCourseEnrollementEmail the emailSender use host configuration and not tenant configuration, if i use the test email from tenant ui Smtp Settings it work fine.
Best Regards
se answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.
AllowTenantsToChangeEmailSettings = true* ` public class EcoSectConsts { public const string LocalizationSourceName = "EcoSect";
public const string ConnectionStringName = "Default";
public const bool MultiTenancyEnabled = true;
public const bool AllowTenantsToChangeEmailSettings = true;
public const string Currency = "EUR";
public const string CurrencySign = "€";
public const string AbpApiClientUserAgent = "AbpApiClient";
// Note:
// Minimum accepted payment amount. If a payment amount is less then that minimum value payment progress will continue without charging payment
// Even though we can use multiple payment methods, users always can go and use the highest accepted payment amount.
//For example, you use Stripe and PayPal. Let say that stripe accepts min 5$ and PayPal accepts min 3$. If your payment amount is 4$.
// User will prefer to use a payment method with the highest accept value which is a Stripe in this case.
public const decimal MinimumUpgradePaymentAmount = 1M;
Application Service Method call Job
` [AbpAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_CourseLeads_SendEmail)]
public async Task SendCourseEnrollementEmail(SendCourseEnrollementEmailInput input)
await _backgroundJobManager.EnqueueAsync<SendCourseEnrollementEmailJob, SendCourseEnrollementEmailJobArgs>(
new SendCourseEnrollementEmailJobArgs
CourseId = input.CourseId,
CustomersIds = input.CustomersIds,
User = AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(),
TenantId = AbpSession.TenantId
Job Worker Code
` public override void Execute(SendCourseEnrollementEmailJobArgs args)
var courseLeads = _courseLeadRepository.GetAll()
.Include(e => e.Course)
.ThenInclude(e => e.CourseCategory)
.Include(e => e.Course)
.ThenInclude(e => e.CourseLocation)
.Include(e => e.Course)
.ThenInclude(e => e.CourseLessons)
.ThenInclude(e => e.Teacher)
.Include(e => e.Customer)
.Include(e => e.CourseLeadEmployees)
.ThenInclude(e => e.Employee)
.Where(e => e.CourseId == args.CourseId)
.WhereIf(args.CustomersIds.Count > 0, e => args.CustomersIds.Any(id => id == e.CustomerId))
string courseName = courseLeads.FirstOrDefault()?.Course.Name;
string invalidSendMessage = "Non è stato possibile inviare il messaggio al seguente destinatario {0} per il seguente motivo: {1}";
foreach (var courseLead in courseLeads)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseLead.Customer?.MarketingEmail))
AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => SendInvalidEmailNotification(args, string.Format(invalidSendMessage, courseLead.Customer.Name, "Al cliente non è stato impostato l'indirizzo Email Marketing.")));
TryToSendCourseEnrollementEmailInput tryToSendCourseEnrollementEmailInput = new TryToSendCourseEnrollementEmailInput();
tryToSendCourseEnrollementEmailInput.TenantId = args.TenantId;
tryToSendCourseEnrollementEmailInput.CourseLead = courseLead;
AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => _courseEmailer.TryToSendCourseEnrollementEmail(tryToSendCourseEnrollementEmailInput));
courseLead.Status = CourseLeadStatus.SendedComunication;
catch (UserFriendlyException exception)
AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => SendInvalidEmailNotification(args, string.Format(invalidSendMessage, courseLead.Customer.Name, exception.Message)));
catch (Exception exception)
AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => SendInvalidEmailNotification(args, string.Format(invalidSendMessage, courseLead.Customer.Name, exception.ToString())));
AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => SendSurveyCompletedNotification(args, string.Format("L'invio delle email per il corso {0} è stato avviato.", courseName)));
Course Emailer code TryToSendCourseEnrollementEmail
`public async Task TryToSendCourseEnrollementEmail(TryToSendCourseEnrollementEmailInput input)
var emailTemplate = new StringBuilder(_emailTemplateProvider.GetCourseEnrollementTemplate(input.TenantId));
var emailTransformed = TransformEmail(emailTemplate, input.CourseLead);
await _emailSender.SendAsync(new MailMessage
To = { input.CourseLead.Customer.MarketingEmail },
Subject = "Certificazioni in Scadenza",
Body = emailTransformed,
IsBodyHtml = true,
CC = { _ecoSectSmtpEmailSenderConfiguration.DefaultFromAddress },
Tanks i found the switchToAccount function, that resolve my problem.
Best Regards Dennis Bellancini
Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.
Hello I have a specific user that is created for each tenant with the same username and password who must be able to manage tasks that i asigned from different tenants. Each time the user login to a tenant is shown a table with the tasks that the various tenants have assigned to him, I get this data using a query filtered data by username and disabling the filter for tenant using (CurrentUnitOfWork.DisableFilter (AbpDataFilters.MustHaveTenant) ) However, whenever the user has need to update the task data, he must log out and log in again on the specific tenant, it is possible to create a script that allows the user to connect to the specified tenant by clicking to a link or button ?. I have this information in task data TenantId, TenancyName, UserId, Username.
Tank you very mutch.
Hello I need to add a custom field CustomerId to Abp Session , what is the best way to extend AbpSession? Then I need to use this field to filter the data. this is a correct solution https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/querying/filters ?.
I have AspNet Zero 8.1, Angular, .Net Core.
Best Regards Dennis Bellancini
Tankyou i have revolded add my custom check here https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/blob/51233d56669623ad85186cb80371489ed15ea5c1/angular/src/app/shared/common/auth/auth-route-guard.ts#L94