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Activities of "datalab"

Hello, i have override the methods ValidateTenancyName and ValidateTenancyNameAsync in TenancyManager becouse my customer has need that tenant name can be only number. These methods check the regular expression TenancyNameRegex "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,}$". This costumization can cause any problems in the future?

Thanks. Best Regards

Hello when compile my solution compare Warning MSB3277, how can i solve this ?

What is your product version? 8.0

What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular

What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core 3.0

What is ABP Framework version ? Abp 5.0

Ok, I subscribed to the numbers 2829.



Hi, where can i find metronic documentation ? i'm go for example to, but if copy and paste some code example it not work. My Asp.Net Zero Version 8.0, Angular, .Net Core 3.0.

Hello, i have write a BackgroundJob for send email to some user, but after the job is completed with out exception it remain in queue in DB table AbpBackgroundJobs, so the emails are sent continuously until I delete manually the record from the database. My Version: ABP.Zero 8.0, Angular, AspNet Core 3.0

        public async Task SendSurvey(SendSurveyInput input)
            string jobId = await _backgroundJobManager.EnqueueAsync<SendSurveyJob, SendSurveyJobArgs>(
            new SendSurveyJobArgs
                 Contacts = input.Contacts,
                 SurveyId = input.SurveyId,
                 TenantId = AbpSession.TenantId.Value,
                 User = AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(),


 public class SendSurveyJob : BackgroundJob<SendSurveyJobArgs>, ITransientDependency
        private readonly IAppNotifier _appNotifier;
        private readonly ILocalizationSource _localizationSource;
        private readonly IObjectMapper _objectMapper;
        private readonly IRepository<Survey> _surveyRepository;
        private readonly IRepository<Contact> _contactRepository;
        private readonly EMailTemplateManager _eMailTemplateManager;
        private readonly TenantManager _tenantManager;
        private readonly SurveyManager _surveyManager;
        private readonly IRepository<SurveyRequest> _surveyRequestRepository;
        private readonly IUserEmailer _userEmailer;

        public SendSurveyJob(
            IRepository<Survey> surveyRepository,
            IRepository<Contact> contactRepository,
            EMailTemplateManager eMailTemplateManager,
            IAppNotifier appNotifier,
            ILocalizationManager localizationManager,
            IObjectMapper objectMapper,
            TenantManager tenantManager,
            SurveyManager surveyManager,
            IRepository<SurveyRequest> surveyRequestRepository,
            IUserEmailer userEmailer)
            _contactRepository = contactRepository;
            _appNotifier = appNotifier;
            _objectMapper = objectMapper;
            _localizationSource = localizationManager.GetSource(GerecoConsts.LocalizationSourceName);
            _tenantManager = tenantManager;
            _surveyRepository = surveyRepository;
            _eMailTemplateManager = eMailTemplateManager;
            _surveyManager = surveyManager;
            _surveyRequestRepository = surveyRequestRepository;
            _userEmailer = userEmailer;


        public override void Execute(SendSurveyJobArgs args)
            using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(args.TenantId))
                Survey survey = _surveyRepository.Get(args.SurveyId);
                SendSurveyRequest(args, survey);

        private void SendSurveyRequest(SendSurveyJobArgs args, Survey survey)
            string invalidSendMessage = "Non è stato possibile inviare il messaggio al seguente destinatario {0} per il seguente motivo {1}";

            List<Contact> recipients = _contactRepository
            .Include(c => c.Location)
            .Where(c => args.Contacts.Select(cs => cs.Id).Contains(c.Id))

            EmailTemplate emailTemplate = _eMailTemplateManager.GetDefaultEMailTemplate();

            Tenant tenant = _tenantManager.GetById(args.TenantId);

            foreach (var recipient in recipients)
                    var PendingOrVisitedRequest = _surveyRequestRepository
                   .Where(r => r.ContactId == recipient.Id & r.SurveyId == survey.Id & (r.Status == SurveyRequestStatus.Pending | r.Status == SurveyRequestStatus.Visited));

                    //Imposto lo status su cancelled se il contatto ha già aperte delle richieste per il questionario che si sta inviano nello stato di Pending o Visited
                    foreach (var request in PendingOrVisitedRequest)
                        request.Status = SurveyRequestStatus.Cancelled;

                    //Inserisco la survey request in pending 
                    SurveyRequest surveyRequest = new SurveyRequest()
                        SurveyLinkId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        SurveyId = survey.Id,
                        ContactId = recipient.Id,
                        EmailTo = recipient.EMail,
                        Status = SurveyRequestStatus.Pending


                    _userEmailer.TryToSendEmailSurveyRequest(survey, recipient, tenant, surveyRequest, emailTemplate);

                catch (UserFriendlyException exception)
                    SendInvalidEmailNotification(args, string.Format(invalidSendMessage, recipient.FullCompanyName, exception.Message));
                catch (Exception exception)
                    SendInvalidEmailNotification(args, string.Format(invalidSendMessage, recipient.FullCompanyName, exception.ToString()));

            SendSurveyCompletedNotification(args, string.Format("L'invio del questionario {0} è stato completato.", survey.Name));
        private void SendInvalidSurveyNotification(SendSurveyJobArgs args)

        private void SendInvalidEmailNotification(SendSurveyJobArgs args, string message)

        private void SendSurveyCompletedNotification(SendSurveyJobArgs args, string message)
       public async Task TryToSendEmailSurveyRequest(Survey survey, Contact recipient, Tenant tenant, SurveyRequest surveyRequest, EmailTemplate emailBodyTemplate = null)
                var emailTemplate = new StringBuilder(_emailTemplateProvider.GetSurveyRequestTemplate(tenant.Id));
                emailTemplate.Replace("{EMAIL_TITLE}", L("SendSurveyRequestMessageEmail_Title"));
                emailTemplate.Replace("{EMAIL_SUB_TITLE}", L("SendSurveyRequestMessageEmail_SubTitle"));
                var surveyRequestMessage = GetSurveyRequestMessage(survey, recipient, emailBodyTemplate, tenant, surveyRequest);
                var surveyRequestSubject = GetSurveyRequestSubject(survey, recipient, emailBodyTemplate, tenant);

                await ReplaceBodyAndSend(recipient.EMail, surveyRequestSubject.ToString(), emailTemplate, surveyRequestMessage);                  
            catch (Exception exception)
                Logger.Error(exception.Message, exception);

Hi, no rows remains in the AbpBackgroundJobs table after download collected data.

Hello, I solved, there was a bug generated by asynchronous methods, I solved using AsyncHelper.RunSync for these methods. The bug could also involve ABP.ModulZero ImportUsersToExcelJob Current

        public override void Execute(ImportUsersFromExcelJobArgs args)
            using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(args.TenantId))
                var users = GetUserListFromExcelOrNull(args);
                if (users == null || !users.Any())

                CreateUsers(args, users);
        private void SendInvalidExcelNotification(ImportUsersFromExcelJobArgs args)


        public override void Execute(ImportUsersFromExcelJobArgs args)
            using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(args.TenantId))
                var users = GetUserListFromExcelOrNull(args);
                if (users == null || !users.Any())
                     AsyncHelper.RunSync(() =>SendInvalidExcelNotification(args));

                CreateUsers(args, users);
        private async Task SendInvalidExcelNotification(ImportUsersFromExcelJobArgs args)
           await  _appNotifier.SendMessageAsync(

Hello, How can I upgrade my module zero version 8.0-angular-core 3.0 to version 8.1? is there a documentation or tutorial ? Do you just need to update packages via NuGet Package Manager and Installa .net core 3.1 ? How can update de angular application to 8.1 ?

Thank you.

I need to create a drop-down menu with a form inside, I used the code from the following link

but it doesn't work. What is the correct way to make it happen whit your framework?

Myprodut is: ASP.NET Zero 8.1 for Angular and .Net core 3.1

Best Regards Dennis Bellancini

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