Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "deltavision"

Hi @ismcagdas

thank you :-)

Hi @ismcagdas

thank you - so replacement for portlet - could be card, correct?

Hi @ismcagdas

how/where to see Metronic version?

Hi @ismcagdas

if I inspect the html (F12) - the css styling, is not "used". The css is only in the Public project - but was it not also in the MVC? I think we used it in earlier projects.


v9.0.1.0 MVC .NET Core

the Metronics styling for Portlet is not in effect.

Any reason why? Something we need to do?


v9.0.1.0 MVC .NET Core

We try to test/implement the Public website as landing page - before going to the Admin website

Cannot figure out how this is suppose to work :-)

Starting "mulitiple projects" from the VS solution (Web.Mvc and Web.Public)

When running - the login from Public website, shows the login page for the Admin website - but then returns to the public site (as logged in). We thought that it continued in to the admin application?

Are we doing something wrong?


OK - I see :-)


how do we indicate that in bundles.json? - just change the file extensions from css to less or how?

Hi @ismcagdas,

I can not see that gulp transforms any new less files to css. Do I have to set something up on new files (less) ?

Any changes to the build scripts?

For Development (create-bundles)

set projectDir= [....path...]

set workingDir=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\Tools\
set vs=VsDevCmd.bat

cd %workingDir%
start /b %vs%

:: your commands go here, such as:
cd %projectDir%
npm run create-bundles

For Production (build)

set projectDir=[....path...]

set workingDir=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\Tools\
set vs=VsDevCmd.bat

cd %workingDir%
start /b %vs%

:: your commands go here, such as:
cd %projectDir%
npm run build


Version: 9.0.1, ASP NET CORE, MVC

With reference to #7666

Started using VS2022.

  • and the "old" Web Compiler from Mads Kristensen (less -> css) is no longer supported.

But is continued by Jason Moore at:

Is that also what you are using / recommend?

Regarding Bundler & Minifier - is that used anymore?

Is that not handled by "gulp" ?

Showing 31 to 40 of 148 entries