Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "denis.karovic"

Hi, I know that you guys are probably very busy, but any news on this problem?

Sure. We are using PostgreSql:

insert into "AbpUsers" ("CreationTime", "CreatorUserId", "LastModificationTime", "LastModifierUserId", "IsDeleted", "DeleterUserId", "DeletionTime", "UserName", "TenantId", "EmailAddress", "Name", "Surname", "IsActive", "NormalizedUserName", "NormalizedEmailAddress", "ConcurrencyStamp", "ProfilePictureId", "ShouldChangePasswordOnNextLogin", "ExternalReference", "AccessFailedCount", "IsEmailConfirmed", "IsLockoutEnabled", "IsPhoneNumberConfirmed", "IsTwoFactorEnabled") values ('2018-04-13 12:25:15', null, null, null, False, null, null, '[email protected]', null, '[email protected]', 'Daniel', 'Trout', True, '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '067b0a70-288d-4206-bbdd-a4201bf872a6', null, False, 'b7abbedd-7a84-418c-adf4-039c55d8fe61', 0, false, false, false, false)

What reaslly confuses me is that even after app restart, **await _userRepository.GetAllListAsync(); ** returns only three uses that existed prior to insertion.

  • Product version: 5.4
  • Product type: Angular
  • Framework type: .net core
  • ABP Framework version: 5.4.0

Hy, I am inserting data by executing raw sql command. All data are properly inserted into database, but the repository is not aware of them being inserted. Basically, usersBeforeInsert and usersAfterInsert contain the same 3 records.

Also, after application restart, repository is still not aware of users inserted with ExecuteSqlRaw(), retrieving only users that existed prior to ExecuteSqlRaw().

How to make _userRepository retrieve all data from db?

Here is the code sample:

var usersBeforeInsert = await _userRepository.GetAllListAsync(); // 3 records retrieved var commandText = GenerateInsertUsersSqlScript(users); var context = _userRepository.GetDbContext(); var rowsAffected = context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw(commandText); // 85000 records inserted context.SaveChange(); var usersAfterInsert = await _userRepository.GetAllListAsync(); // 3 record retrieved

Maybe ti would be a nice feature to make this option available in Power Tools, so the user can select among these three relation types:

  • one to one
  • one to many
  • many to many

Lets say we have two tables (simplified example) with one to many relationship:

Orders { guid Id, DateTime PlaceAt }

OderLineItems { guid Id, guid OrderId, guid ProductId }

Creating Order entity with Power Tools goes without problem. But creating OrderLineItems entity generates this 4 errors:

They should be pretty easy to fix manualy, but Power Tools should not be generating them.

Yes, but then one to many relationship is generated. Than migration files have to me manually tackled (at least in situation where dependant table has primary key and foreign key)


Is there a possibility of creating one-to-one relationship between two tables using Power Tools?

If not, what would be the most apropriate solution?

Ok, thanks.

Ok, thanks.


I have several questions regarding Events. I have read documentation regarding it on However, I have several questions:

  1. Are events stored somewhere (database, redis…)?

  2. Can we choose where events will be stored?

  3. Is handling them triggered based or loop/timer based? (I believe it's a pub/sub trigger based implementation, but I just need to check with you one more time)

  4. Any supprot for Integration Events?

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