Hi, I know that you guys are probably very busy, but any news on this problem?
Sure. We are using PostgreSql:
insert into "AbpUsers" ("CreationTime", "CreatorUserId", "LastModificationTime", "LastModifierUserId", "IsDeleted", "DeleterUserId", "DeletionTime", "UserName", "TenantId", "EmailAddress", "Name", "Surname", "IsActive", "NormalizedUserName", "NormalizedEmailAddress", "ConcurrencyStamp", "ProfilePictureId", "ShouldChangePasswordOnNextLogin", "ExternalReference", "AccessFailedCount", "IsEmailConfirmed", "IsLockoutEnabled", "IsPhoneNumberConfirmed", "IsTwoFactorEnabled") values ('2018-04-13 12:25:15', null, null, null, False, null, null, '[email protected]', null, '[email protected]', 'Daniel', 'Trout', True, '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '067b0a70-288d-4206-bbdd-a4201bf872a6', null, False, 'b7abbedd-7a84-418c-adf4-039c55d8fe61', 0, false, false, false, false)
What reaslly confuses me is that even after app restart, **await _userRepository.GetAllListAsync(); ** returns only three uses that existed prior to insertion.
Maybe ti would be a nice feature to make this option available in Power Tools, so the user can select among these three relation types:
Yes, but then one to many relationship is generated. Than migration files have to me manually tackled (at least in situation where dependant table has primary key and foreign key)
Ok, thanks.
Ok, thanks.
I find out what was the problem, out project is set up to use http no https, so stripe cli command should be called like this: stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost:22742/Stripe/WebHooks