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Activities of "dominici"

To be honest I don't like so much the idea to use a real db, because is very convenient to use an in memory db. I think asp net zero is a very powerful framework but this is a big limitation in a moment in which geospatial data are used a lot. In all my projects I need to do geospatial query. So I hope you consider with high priority to change effort with an equivalent library that support DbGeography. I tried to change effort by myself but for me is very hard because I have not a deep knowledge of asp net zero.

So, let's try to summarize what are the possibilities at the state of the art of asp net zero, keeping in mind that I need DbGeography:

  • I cannot use the asp net zero core because DbGeography is not supported by entity framework core. So I must use asp net zero .net framework
  • I could use DbGeography and a real db for testing. In this case do I have only to set the connection string to the real db in AppTestBase class here
_hostDb = DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient();

and everything work?

  • I could continue to use effort ignoring DbGeography type. By the way I did't received your test code. Can you send me it?

You say asp net zero 4.0 won't use Effort. What library it will use for in memory testing?

Thanks for your support Fabrizio Dominici

Hi, no, I commented each DbGeography type except TestPosition. Unfortunately I cannot share my project with you for company policy. Please can you share with me the project you tested that ignore the DbGeography type? (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>) I have version 3.3.0 of aspnetzero core angular with .NET Framework 4.6.1. By the way, I tried to download a new aspnetzero core angular project 3.3.0 to create a basic test project with only an entity with a DbGeography problem but now it seems full core. Is it right? And it seems there is not DbGeography in entity framework (core version). I have had a lot of problems trying to migrate from framework to core and also from visual studio 2015 to visual studio 2017.

Anyway, can you change Effort with another library? Because I need to test also geospatial queries. Can you change Effort with another library? This is the best thing for me and for each person that buy aspnetzero I think.

Thanks a lot Fabrizio Dominici

Hi. I have the same problem and I tried for a long time to bypass it without success. I know that it is an issue of Effort but now I really need help.

I would like to explore 2 different possibilities:

  • Use Effort but ignore DbGeography type. This seems possible reading the comment of jimmymain, but in aspnetzero I get the same exception. Below my code:
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
	modelBuilder.Entity<Report>().Ignore(_ => _.TestPosition);
  • Change the effort library with an equivalent one. I searched on the web and it seems Moq library do the same thing of effort (see [])). I tried to use Moq without success. The main problem is that I cannot understand how to get a db connection string as Effort do:
_hostDb = DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient();

Moreover, Moq seems a little bit different than Effort. I will appreciate suggestions and code snippet to configure Moq or another in-memory db library

Can you help me?

Thanks Fabrizio Dominici

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