Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "felixbeltran"


I could also use the MVC 5 example. Any news on this?



That "fix" relies on disabling window defender and indexer (wich is not my case). It didn't do anything.

Finally I was able to find where to configure the "devtool" parameter and now rebuild time is really short.

Regards, Felix.


It's version 3.4.0. At the beginning it wasn't taking that long, but as the project size grows, the rebuild time also grows (a lot).

How did you separated to different chunks?

I hope you can help me, this is really killing productivity.



"npm start" does the same thing (takes to long to rebuild).

So, there is nothing we can do? What about "devtool"? As far as I understand, it's a configuration feature, not a change on webpack.

Thanks again.

A little bit of more information. I found that with "devtool" configuration you can increase the rebuild speed. But I cannot find where to set it's value.

<a class="postlink" href=""></a>

Thanks, Felix.


There is no "npm run" option. I have to use "npm run hmr".

I'm including an image with the details.


Thanks, I will try it.


I can send the pull request but I don't think I have access to the repo of the node packages, or do I? Where can i find that repo?

Thanks, Felix.

Finally I was able to do it. I had to first fork the project.

By the way, you also need to add these files: angular\node_modules\bootstrap-select\dist\js\i18n\defaults-es_MX.js angular\node_modules\bootstrap-select\dist\js\i18n\defaults-es_MX.min.js angular\node_modules\jtable\lib\localization\ angular\node_modules\timeago\locales\

I wasn't able to do it because those paths are not part of the project.



Here are the screenshots. First it send a "Sync Failed" error and later a "Request Failed" error.


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