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Activities of "fguo"

Hi, ismcagdas:

I haven't solved this issue. I actually like to take the whole area right to the side-bar (no footer and header). Here is my simplified test.component.ts for light-green background color on the entire of this area:

import { Component, Injector, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponentBase } from '@shared/common/app-component-base';
import { appModuleAnimation } from '@shared/animations/routerTransition';

    template: `<div [@routerTransition]>
    <div style="background-color:#F5FFF2;width:100%;height:100%">
    animations: [appModuleAnimation()],
    preserveWhitespaces: true
export class DevtestComponent extends AppComponentBase implements OnInit {
    ngOnInit(): void {

        injector: Injector) {

Here is the result screen shot: You may see it is not stretched to the full area.

I've tried several ways. The only workaround is adding "100%" on both div AND adding "app-root" as the selector:

    selector: 'app-root',
    template: `<div [@routerTransition] style="width:100%;height:100%;">
    <div style="background-color:#F5FFF2;width:100%;height:100%;">

To stretch to "subheader" area, I need to uncheck the "Fixed header" in Administration > Visual Settings > Subheader tab.

I still no idea how to remove footer-bar and header-bar. I've tried to uncheck the "Fixed header" and "Fixed footer", but it doesn't help.

I like to use the Metronic's built-in style classes. It has plenty well designed classes with BEM name convention. However, it is not easy to learn. Right now, I try to dig out a class from style.boundle.css file, but it is a big file and hardly to search out what I need. It's too much guess-work involved. I couldn't find a clear visual document/tutorial. Hope you can recommend one.


I am using Core+Angular version 7.2.3. I made my own component similar to “PhoneBook Component” example. I just like to display it on the whole main section of screen (i.e. right of side-bar, below of top-bar, above of foot-bar, and left of screen’s right edge). Here is my sample.component.html:

<div [@routerTransition] class="?" style="border:dashed; width:100%; height:100%">
    <!-- add some html tags here -->

First of all, I like to border the section to make sure the inside element (e.g. a background image) can fill the whole area.

What css class should be used for this purpose? I’ve tried “kt-content”, “kt-container”, “kt-portlet”, “kt-portlet__body kt-portlet__body--fit”, and so on, but all of them cannot draw the border around the whole main section.

Can you give me a clue?


I solved it.

While running “npm run create-bundles”, the process was stuck after prompt of “Finished ‘buildDev’ after 3.26 s”. I forced it exit by Ctrl-C.

Then, I still run "npm run buid" (instead of Bundler & Minifier in VS). It solved the problem.


Yes. I did these 3 steps. The only thing may be a little different is that, on the second step (run “npm run create-bundles”), the process hung after prompt of “Finished ‘buildDev’ after 3.26 s”. I have to Ctrl-C to exit.

I also tried to open VS, right-click *.Web.Public project > Bundler & Minifier > Update Bundles, and then, restore packages by right-clicking *.Web.Public/Dependencies/npm. No error propmpt on this way.


I am trying Core+Angular version 7.2.3 with start both Web.Host and Web.Public. It opens good, but there are some errors as following:

HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
localhost:45776 (1,1)

4CSS3121: The media query -ms-viewport has been deprecated.

SCRIPT5007: SCRIPT5007: Unable to set property 'defaultSourceName' of undefined or null reference
localhost:45776 (465,9)

0: Unable to get property 'unspecifiedClockProvider' of undefined or null reference
GetScripts (1379,4)

0: 'jQuery' is not defined
frontend-metronic.min.js (1,1311)

0: '$' is not defined
localhost:45776 (475,8)

0: 'jQuery' is not defined
jquery.fancybox.pack.js (1,1)

0: Unable to get property 'fn' of undefined or null reference
owl.carousel.js (1717,1)

0: '$' is not defined

Also, the Language and logout dropdowns cannot be open, so I cannot logout from the site.

Is it a bug?

I tried GitHub, but not sure how to place this request.

I logged in It shows "Team discussion are disabled".

Can you give me a link for placing request/suggestion/question such as this expecting feature?


It is a common request to show “route history” on top bar, so users can click on any node to jump back that page.

Sometimes, I want to keep some pages in “active” (i.e. just hide the page instead of destroying it). I like to keep the “active” nodes displayed in bold, so it can be quickly reopen and show the state same as time at hidden.

Can I expect this feature added on Core+Angular version in the near future?


Good article!


I am not too sure the request http information such as Content-Type, because I connot control the client side.

As I know so far, the request Content-Type can be: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/x-www-urlencoded, text/xml, application/xml, text/plain.

Yes, if I can define the class, I don't need to use [FromBody]. This API acts as a "web hook". I cannot control what data type is in the request body from client. It may be a json object, or a xml document, or just a plan string. I've tried to replace string type with object type on input prameter. Such as :

public class TestAppService : AppServiceBase { public object ReceiveData([FromBody] object body) { return body; } }

It works only if client request body with json object. It still returns same error, if the request body is other types (e.g. string or xml).

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